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Hetq Reader Survey: 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference; Relevant or Redundant?

Dear reader,

The much ballyhooed 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference kicks off today in Yerevan, organized by the RA Ministry of the Diaspora.

Church leaders, Armenian government officials and representatives of traditional diaspora organizations (ARF, Hnchaks, Ramgavars, AGBU, Armenian Assembly of America, etc.) will yet again give speeches presenting their views on a range of pan-national challenges faced by Armenians.

The Ministry of the Diaspora reports that 741 leaders and representatives of Diaspora Armenian structures and organizations from nearly 60 countries have descended on Yerevan to take part in this 6th pan-Armenian forum.

Hetq wants to hear your views on the conference.

• Are such conferences relevant, or a waste of time and money?

• What should be the main aim of such conferences?

• Are such conferences representative of all sectors and voices in Armenian society? Would you     welcome the organization of conferences bringing together civic and non-state players from both Armenia and the Diaspora?

• What expectations, if any, do you have from such conferences as presently constituted?

Please share your opinions and perspectives with us and fellow Hetq readers in the comment section below.

(Photo: RA Ministry of the Diaspora)


Comments (5)

All conferences past and present have been nothing but farcical shows in order to give the impression that this corrupt regime is paying attention to the diaspora concerns,whereas in reality they are only interested in their reproduction to amaze more state wealth.This rotten regime is just paying lip service to the diaspora. The regimes rotten foundations are based on lies and fraud,it has no credibility, respect,or trust by the vast majority of our nation.
Մինչեւ հիմա ինչքան ըրին այնքան ալ ասկէ վերջ պիտի ընեն․ Դրամատիկականի մէկ թատրոնին կը նմանին։ Ցուցադրութիւնով 90 տարի ապրեցանք, արդեն բնական եղած է. Այս տեսակ համագումարներու ատենը անցած է. Երբ պետութիւն ունինք որ մինչեւ ոսկորը փտած է կաշառակերութեամբ, եւ անարդարութեամբ, ոչ մէկ համագումար պիտի ազատէ մեզի․ Այս անձերը իրենք յանցանք չունին, ով որ այսպիսի ձեռնարկներու արժէք կուտայ անոնք են որ պիտի յուսախաբուին.
Instead of having this conference, why not the participants of this conference, attend a seminar to learn and observe how the Jewish diaspora and Israel are interlocked with each other and perhaps they can learn something from their wisdom;but I am skeptic that they are willing to learn something since most of the participants think of protecting their turf first and Armenia comes second. Spend the money on our boys in the Army by providing Kevlar body protection vests they are more deserving.
Armenian can never go forward with a regime based on corruption and fraud.Diaspora needs to demand radical changes in personnel and policy from this regime in order to rectify corruption,fraud,injustices,immigration,and finally to bring back our moral and spiritual values through example which have all disappeared through greed.
The so called delegates to this farcical conference only represent themselves and only themselves and nothing more.Its high time they all realised it instead of pretending to represent the diaspora.Same old tired faces which we are all fed up of seeing.

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