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Kristine Aghalaryan

Closed Border? Armenia Imports Most of Its Wood from Turkey

Readers might be surprised to learn that despite closed borders, for the past four years Armenia has been importing the bulk of its wood and wood by-products from Turkey.

Such imports, according to Armenia’s National Statistical Service, reached a peak in 2011 at a value of US$20 million. Following Turkey, Armenia gets most of its wood and wood by-products from Ukraine, China and Georgia.

Armenia’s Imports: Wood/Wood Byproducts (in USD millions) Surprisingly, Armenia also exports wood. In the past two years, the largest recipients have been Moldova and Canada. Armenia’s wood exports are dwarfed by the amounts imported. Exports reached a peak in 2010 at a value of US$ 282,000.

Armenia’s Exports: Wood/Wood Byproducts (in USD millions) Armenia’s exports to the European Union have been steadily rising, while exports to CIS countries have drastically decreased. Armenia’s imports, both from the European Union and the CIS, have fallen since 2012.

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