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Tour De Armenia – New Travel Book about Armenia Now Available

In the words of Raffi Youredjian, the London based author of Tour De Armenia, the book tells the story of his 1,000-kilometer cycling journey through Armenia and Artsakh looking for adventure, searching for identity, and quite possibly getting married off along the way.

Youredjian, a traveler since the age of 16, describes his first book as a non-fiction comedy that seeks to entertain but which also has a higher purpose – getting young Armenians in the diaspora interetested in Armenia.

“I’ve always felt young Armenians in the diaspora have nothing that connects them to their homeland in the modern era, and I wanted to create something to fill that gap,” says the author, who works for the Discovery Channel in London.

Youredjian argues that most books about Armenians are either about the Genocide or their tragic history and that he was impelled to write something a bit more uplifting and optimistic that could engage a youinger generation separated from their roots.

“I wanted to share the story of the country I knew nothing about until my first visit when I was 19, and I only learned more about every time I returned, and I only truly discovered while cycling through the villages and historical lands,” the author says.

Youredjian will be setting off on a European book tour, and a trip to the US and Canada is in the planning stages.

Tour De Armenia is currently available in paperback on Amazon, as well as Kindle and Kobo.

To learn more please visit www.tourdearmenia.com

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