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Zaruhi Mejlumyan

Artsakh Soldier and Cancer Patient Mayis: "Thank God, I welcomed the New Year with two legs"

Hetq readers will be pleased to know that 19 year-old Mayis Geghamyan’s medical condition has taken a turn for the positive over the New Year.

Geghamyan, who had been serving as a conscript soldier in Artsakh until he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma that has metastasized into his lungs, had his right leg amputated above the knee and was receiving chemotherapy at the Nayri Medical Center in Yerevan.

Geghamyan’s physician Levon Badalyan now reports that after five rounds of therapy a portion of the metastases in the young man’s lungs have disappeared and that the others have shrunk considerably.

“We are hopeful that all the metastases will soon disappear. Nevertheless, the treatment must continue and several chemotherapy rounds are still needed, even after all the metastases have vanished,” Dr. Badalyan told Hetq, noting that he as yet doesn’t see the need for Mayis Geghamyan to be treated overseas given the positive results achieved in Armenia.

This reporter also had a chance to talk to Mayis, who told me that he was pleased to have welcomed the New Year with two legs.

“Mkrtich Ginosyan fashioned a prosthetic for me at the German Prosthetics Lab in Yerevan. Thus, thank God, I welcomed the New Year with two legs,” Mayis Geghamyan said. “So many kind-heartened people have come to my aid. I can’t recite all their names. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. When I get better, I will follow my dream and enroll at the radio-physics faculty at Yerevan State University.”

I also spoke to Mayis’ mother Gayaneh, who said that the “Donate Life” foundation has expressed a willingness to assist the young man if he needs to continue his medical treatment overseas.

I also got in touch with Artzroun Hovhannisyan, press secretary at the Armenian Ministry of Defense, who reaffirmed the ministry’s pledge to assist the Geghamyan family while Mayis is undergoing chemotherapy. 

The following accounts, in the name of Petros Geghamyan (Mayis’ father), have been opened at VTB-Armenia for those who wish to make donations:

USD- 16004103765805
EUR- 16004103765806
RUR- 16004103765807 

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Վարազ Սյունի (Ամստերդամ)
Վերջապես մի լավ լուր: ՀԳ. Լավ է,որ «Հետքը» անդրադառնում է նախորդ հոդվածների/դեպքերի արդյունքին:
Հարգելի Լուսինե, պաշտոնյաները հատուկ կաստա են: Դրանք ոչ սիրտ ու ոչ հոգի ունեն: Համենայն դեպս, դրանց մեծամասնությունը:
Հետքի պես սրտացավ էլի մի երկու լրատվամիջոց լիներ ․․․աշխարհը շուռ կտայինք, պաշտոնյանի սրտի սառույցն էլ կկոտրեինք
Մենք տեսնում ենք, որ լավ լրագրողի պրոֆեսիոնալ աշխատանքի շնորհիվ կարելի է գործնական օգնություն ցույց տալ մարդուն։ Թող այս երիտասարդը լիովին ապաքինվի։

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