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Nowhere to Go: Landlord Issues 20 Day Eviction Notice to Armavir Family with Eleven Children

Ani Hovhannisyan

Gayaneh Avetisyan and Dyuma Poghosyan are the proud parents of six boys and five girls.

The large family lives in a rented house in the Armenian town of Armavir.

The landlord has given the family twenty days to vacate the premises.

Before filming, Mrs. Avetisyan had just the one request – “Don’t portray us as down and out, a family to be pitied.” She added that the family needed no assistance from otters and that having a place to call home was their only challenge.

Mr. Poghosyan says the landlord has received complaints from neighbors saying that the large family is the reason for the wall they share constantly getting wet.

“I changed the pipes and have done everything not to cause any problems. But they have latched on this as a reason to evict us. Finding a house to rent for such a large family is hard. Nobody is willing to rent to us when they hear we have so many kids,” Mr. Poghosyan told Hetq.

The family has thirteen days to move out. But where will they go in the middle of winter. Six of the children go to school and the parents are afraid they’ll miss classes due to the disruption.

The family has written numerous times to the president. The letters were forwarded to the provincial governor and then to the town mayor. The answer they received was that the town can do nothing since no new housing is being built.

The parents say they are left with only two options – leave Armenia or solicit the help of others.

“One of my brothers was killed in the war. The other was discharges from the army with psychological problems. I have six sons to give in the service of my country. Are you telling me they can’t allocate us a place to live in this country? We are thinking of leaving for Russia, but I love Armenia so much. We had these children for Armenia and not to take them overseas,” Mr. Poghosyan said.

Mrs. Avetisyan says they are ready to take drastic action if required. “On the last day of the deadline I’ll gather up the children, load them into the car and we’ll set up camp opposite the presidential palace to live. I don’t want that my kids see us reduced to ruin or to suffer psychologically. But what options do we have.”

When Hetq arrived it was the birthday of one of the boys; nine year-old Hakob. “If they evict us, we’ll have to change schools but our school is good. I don’t want to go somewhere else.”

Taking care of eleven children isn’t easy financially. The family’s sole revenue is a state subsidy of 90,000 AMD monthly (US$190) plus another $100 an Armenian benefactor in the U.S. sends monthly. Mr. Poghosyan, who has medical problems, gets the odd delivery job with his car.

This year there was no Christmas tree to decorate the home. Instead, the walls were adorned with balloons to give the place a festive spirit.

The eldest son, who quit school early to work, is now learning to carve tombstone photos. But the meagre utensils don’t allow him to make the carvings complete. He hopes that after the housing problem is solved he’ll find work in his craft and assist the family.

The parents don’t pin their hopes on the government. They believe someone will allocate them a place to live in Armavir or the surrounding villages.

“There are rich folk in Armenia. One column in their home is worth an entire house. And they live in that huge place by themselves. I truly believe there are people out there who can help us so that we feel wanted in this country. All we need is a hole somewhere. Wherever we have lived we have fixed up and improved the place. But now we have been pushed outside with eleven well-mannered kids who will be good future citizens,” Mrs. Avetisyan said.

Contacts: +374 93 32 46 34 Mr. Poghosyan, +374 77 24 17 64 Mrs. Avetisyan
Bank Account Number: 11500434263600, - Armbusinessbank

Comments (16)

Sona simonian
It's horrible,can we help the family directly! Thanks!
Ես ալ կարծեցի ՉՈՐՍ սենեականոց բնակարան են սուել ։
Ani_ not STRONG to say something like that towards Armenians and Armenian mentality. Have some respect and DONT DARE to say comment like this any more. Especially that you don't even know Armenian. These people are very positive and if you can help then do so, if you don't want to help then at least don't use wording that Armenians are Weak and have wrong mentality.
and FYI the Father has had 3 operations and is barely walking and but still is working. They are saying that they are making so many babies so that our nation grows and we have soldiers ( if You don't know ANI we are a country that has borders with 2 enemies).
I think ANI would prefer to have eleven abortions instead of eleven human beings ,good luck with your bright mentality Ani
Leave Ani alone, she's got a point. The man is healthy enough to bang the wife eleven times, but not healthy enouGH to get a job.
Ani Hovhannisyan, can you make an update after a couple of weeks, for us all to know what happened.
Միշտ մի բան չեմ հասկացել. եթե ի վիճակի չես այդքանին պահելու, կերակրելու, քնելու տեղով ապահովելու, ապա ինչու էս էդքան շատ ԲԱԶՄԱՆՈՒՄ: Հույսդ դրել ես քեզ մեղքացողների վրա՞
Հարգելի Անի և Կարեն Ձեր վրդովմունքը միանշանակ հասկանալի և ընդունելի է երեխաների նկատմամբ պատասխանատվության տեսանկյունից (նամանավանդ որ վերջին ժամանակներում սոցիալապես անապահով շատ ՛՛ճարպիկ՛՛ մարդիկ պրոֆեսիոնալ կերպով կարողանում են ՛՛շահարկել՛՛ իրենց վիճակը և օգուտներ քաղել), բայց հարցն այն է, որ Հայաստում չես կարող հազմոված լինել, որ ՛՛ի վիճակի կլինես թեկուզ մեկ երեխայի պահելու, կերակրելու, քնելու տեղով ապահովելու՛՛ հարցում: Այս ընտանիքն ի տարբերություն մյուսների ոչ փող է խնդրում, ոչ ուտելիք --այլ ընդամենը հնարավորություն ու ազգի պահպանման, աճի տեսանկյունից դիտարկելով այս հարցը՝ պետք է աջակցել նրանց, քանի որ նման բազմազավակ ընտանիքների միջոցով պիտի պահպանվի ազգը:
Բոլոր այն մեկնաբանողներին, ովքեր փորձում են քննարկել շատ երեխա ունենալու «բացասական» կողմերը, ուզում եմ ասել, որ դրանք ուղղակի չկան! Ես ինքս բազմազավակ ընտանիքից եմ, եւ ծնողներիցս անչափ շնորհակալ եմ, որ այդպիսի շնորհ են մեզ ընձեռել իրենց բարեկեցության «հաշվին»: Ու ավելի քան վստահ եմ, որ երեխաների քանակը ընտանիքում ուղիղ համեմատական է այդ երեխաներից յուրաքանչյուրի ապագա որակի հետ: Միջինում իհարկե!
Armenians always have to winge help yes if you can nd want or dont dont become a sudden philospher
Learn Armenian people :) They aren't asking money, food, clothing, etc.. They just need an appt to rent. That's all. Since there are so many stupid people like Ani, renting an appt with 11 blessings became a problem :/
Ani Hovhannisyan
Contacts: +374 93 32 46 34 Mr. Poghosyan, +374 77 24 17 64 Mrs. Avetisyan Bank Account Number: 11500434263600 - Armbusinessbank
կարող եք կապվել նյութի հեղինակի՝ Aniի հետ, հեռ.՝ 055 020780 կամ այցելել Հետքի խմբագրություն, հասցե՝ Բուզանդ 1/3 (հարկայինի շենք) 8-րդ հարկ:
Անի Հովհաննիսյան
Այս ընտանիքի կոնտակտները՝ Contacts of this family: +374 93 32 46 34 Դյումա, Dyuma +374 77 24 17 64 Գայանե, Gayane
i would like to help, please indicate contact phone numbers if available.

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