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Prometey Bank Grows Regulatory Total Capital to 23 Billlion AMD

On March 6, 2015, Prometey Bank issued and privately placed EUR 10 million long-term subordinated bonds to a leading Swiss bank, as a result of which the amount of regulatory total capital of the Bank has grown by AMD 4.2 billion and reached almost AMD 23 billion.

The issuance of long-term subordinated bonds derives from the concept of Prometey Bank’s Long-Term Strategic Development Program and is aimed at the accomplishment of the issues stipulated in it, including the accomplishment of tightened requirements of CBA on the minimum amount of regulatory total capital of the banks as of January 1, 2017with Prometey Bank’s own resources.

In recent years Prometey Bank has always been among the Top-3 of Armenian banks by the maintenance of capital adequacy ratio, and in the Top-10 of the largest banks by the absolute values of total and regulatory capitals.

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