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The 5th ArmNet Լaunched in Yerevan

Today Orange, Maeutica Branding Agency and “Internet Society” NGO have announced the launch of the 5th annual “ArmNet” project.

As part of the“ArmNet 2015” events, the “ArmNet Awards 2015” pan-Armenian contest of websites and mobile applications will take place, designed to evaluate the achievements of the Internet and mobile application sector, as well as the progress of information technologies, particularly, mobile technologies in Armenia.

“ArmNet 2015” events will also encompass an Internet and high-tech conference and a series of workshops with the participation of worldwide leading companies of this domain.

“In 2010, Orange was among the founders of this project and we are pleased to support it already for the fifth time. Over these years ArmNet has surely become a traditional annual event, contributing significantly to the promotion of the Armenian web content. Armenian Internet and mobile application sector has developed significantly during these 5 years - in 2010, only 29% of Armenian households were connected to broadband internet, while at the end of 2014 this figure reached 75%, currently more than 86% of our handset sales are smartphones vs 3% in 2010. There has also been a great progress in development and quality of Armenian content," said Aram Mkrtchyan, Brand and Communication Director of Orange Armenia.

Participants of the “ArmNet Awards 2015” will compete in the following categories: Innovation, Best Content, Design and Usability, Social Impact. Grand Prix will be awarded for Best Mobile Application and Best Website. All interested can submit their applications till the 26th of March, 18:00. Participation and registration terms can be found on www.armnet.am website.

“Mobile applications and software have changed our world. Today it is almost impossible to imagine an Internet user without his smartphone connected to the Internet. It is especially worth noting that our web and mobile application developers create competitive products, thus boosting development of the sector. This year the Internet Society will start registering domain names with “.հայ” suffix, which also testifies to the development of this field. I want to wish good luck to all “ArmNet Awards 2015” participants, regardless of the results of the contest. It’s a good experience that will enable them to better assess their efforts and strive for new achievements,” said Gregory Saghyan, Deputy Chairman of “Internet Society” NGO.

The Jury of "ArmNet Awards 2015" will examine and evaluate all websites and mobile applications submitted for the contest, announcing the nominees in each category on the 30th of March. The results of the contest competition will be announced on the 4th of April, at the official awards ceremony.

The theme of this year’s conference is “2015 web and mobile trends”. The conference will host both local and international speakers, including CEO of MediaRu Alex Nosov, CEO of Pediatr24/7 mobile application Dennis Yudchyts, representatives from Getmyway and FrooZoo projects.

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