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Nightclubs on Armenian Patriarchate Property?

Hetq Online has received a letter fromJerusalemresident Gideon Moalem expressing indignation at the recent opening of a gay nightclub in a building owned by the Armenian Patriarchate.

Hetq has asked the information center of the Holy See to comment. Below is Gideon Moalem's letter addressed to the Asset Manager of the Armenian Church inJerusalem.

Father Pakrad 
Asset Manager of the Armenian Church 
Armenian Patriarchate 
85 Old City, Jerusalem, Israel

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, 
They shall prosper that love thee: 
Tehillim (psalms) 122:6

Dear Father Pakrad

Shalom! We are the Moalem family living in the city center of Jerusalemnear the municipality buildings. We have lived for 40 years on the first floor of a building at 4 Shushan Street. This is actually a narrow, small, once quiet, one-way street and the building is owned by the Armenian Church. Two and one half years ago, the homosexual community in this city opened its nightclub right under our apartment and named it after the street, “Shushan.” [www.gogay.co.il] It is already the third year that we have protested against this club's existence to the Armenian Church, city hall offices, Israel police, and the club itself and its owner, Mr. Saar Netanel, who is a professing homosexual, city council member, and a leader of the “Gay Pride Parade” in Jerusalem. [www.ynet.com/saar netanel] Until now, we are without results.

About 10 meters from our home and near the gay club “Shushan” settled another pub by the name “Tuvya.” It takes advantage of the policy and declaration of the city hall which states that “all city center areas will be recognized as pleasure areas and as for that any business which will deal in the field of pleasure will have special benefits.” Without a business license to do so, “Tuvya's” owner sets up tables and chairs in the street for its patrons. The noise of music and that made by drunkards from these two clubs is contributing to the complete disruption of our lives as it is impossible to get meaningful sleep in the night hours. And if this were not enough, on the other side of the building in which we live opened a year ago a pick-up club/bar named “Galo.” The sounds of the bass from the clubs' speakers shakes the floor of our house. Then, the neighbors on the floor above us left and rented their apartment to a group of young people.

All of this mentioned takes place in a building which belongs to the Armenian Church with its full knowledge and approval.

Yes, there is no doubt that I am worried about the well-being of my parents especially as I see how their mental and physical conditions are declining more and more as time passes due, in part, to the pressure of the unbearable situation outside our home.

My father is 68 years old and suffers from asthma and chronic back pain. He has a history of cancer and has had two surgeries and radiation treatment for this. He also has a depressed immune system. My mother is 67 years of age and suffers from Parkinson's disease. This illness manifests itself in her with imbalance, instability, restlessness, and tremors of the body. The stress and inner intensity created by the outside situation gradually is causing their suffering to worsen and slowly creating the need for increased amounts of medication for both of them. Their doctors have not been able to offer any other alternative.

In addition to my concerns regarding the worsening situation of my parents is of course the increasing concern in us for the City ofDavid,Jerusalem. Its main night life of nightclubs/pubs/bars is located in the buildings that belong to the Armenian Church. This of course includes the clubs on the street in which we live, all being under the protection of the Armenian Church. This situation is creating in our lives misery and pushingJerusaleminto becoming a secondAmsterdam. We have turned to the Armenian Church countless times about this matter and they have ignored the difficult increasing distress that is turning our lives into hell and is turning Jerusalem, especially its' center into a city that competes determinedly and vigorously with Tel Aviv in connection with nightclub life.

Since we are the only family in all ofShushan Street, we are the ones that must call the police at least three times a night to come take care of the drunkenness, wildness, and violence in the street. We are those who actually create the last barrier to club “Shushan,” to pub “Tuvya,” and to other night clubs that would like to open and join in taking control of the entire street. And of course, its' accompanying activities such as violence, drugs, prostitution, drunkenness, etc., will escalate and turn the heart ofJerusaleminto a center of impurity and filth. And this is happening without any interference.

We turn to you who are anxious like us to the well-being of theHolyCityin a cry of desperation for help and support to fight with us the desecration, perversion, and impurity which is gradually taking control at all city center areas ofJerusalem.

Struggle together with us:

•  Against the policy of the Armenian Church which confirms, approves, and makes possible in full knowledge the opening of nightclubs and their accompanying elements in their buildings in the center of the city,Jerusalem.

•  Against the policy of the City Hall as mentioned to turn the city center into a pleasure zone under what it calls “renovation of the city,” and in that way cause the inhabitants which live in the center of the city to leave their homes in favor of nightclub varieties, discos, bars, pubs, and similar. And, against the city hall surrendering to pressures from different interested parties desiring to invertJerusalemto that as an all “ModernEuropeanCity.”

•  Against the Israeli police which give preference, understanding, and sympathy to the drunkards and party goers over the consideration of the city center residents and their desires for silence and rest at night hours.

If I forget you, O Jerusalem, 
may my right hand forget its skill: 
Tehillim (Psalms) 137:5

Respectfully yours,

Gideon Moalem

4 Shushan Street 
94143 Jerusalem 
Tel. 054-6617992 
Email: [email protected]

Enclosed are the copies of the latest protest letters that we have sent to the City Hall and to the Police District Office.

2006, 04 December

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