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Zhengyalov Hats Festival in Tsaghkashat on April 29

As part of a program to preserve Artsakh's local intangible cultural heritage, the country's Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs will organize the first ever Zhengyalov Hats Festival on April 29 at the Nikol Duman House Museum in Askeran village of Tsaghkashat. 

Each region of Artsakh will be represented by participants skilled in preparing "zhengyalov hats (bread)" the most popular dish of Artsakh cuisine. The whole process of making th dish, followed by creative ways of serving it, will be presented at the festival.  

The aim of the festival is to preserve and promote the intangible cultural heritage of Artsakh and to instill respect and caring attitude towards national traditions and ethnic peculiarities.

Zhengyalov hats is truly considered the hallmark of Artsakh cuisine. This unique dish made from flour, herbs, oil and spices has been preparedin Artsakh for a long time. It was first mentioned in written manuscripts of the 19th century when Artsakh folklore was being recorded. In 2013 the government included zhengyalov hatz in the list of values of intangible cultural heritage of Artsakh Republic.

The festival, organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs, is the third event held as part of the Artsakh Cuisine Festival.  In 2014, traditional bread festival in Khantsk village of Askeran region and Artsakh pickle festival in Drakhtik village of Hadrut region were organized.

The festival will start at 1pm and will be accompanied by traditional food serving, interesting games and competitions, concerts and other cultural events.  Admission to the festival is free. 

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