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Tatev Khachatryan

Etchmiadzin Water Woes: Renovations Worsen Supply to Some Neighborhoods

Residents of Petrozavodsk Street in the town of Etchmiadzin contacted Hetq, complaining that after renovations to the municipal water conduits, water supply to their homes has become hit and miss.

They say that the water flow during the daytime is weak and nonexistent at night.

Kamo Aghababyan, who heads the technical repair unit at Armenian Water and Sewerage Company, told Hetq that there are neighborhoods in Etchmiadzin who are worse off than Petrozavodsk Street.

Aghababyan said that escaping water from a broken pipe had created a huge swamp in the northern part of the town and that the utility would circumvent the break, restoring full water supply to Petrozavodsk Street.

Renovation of the water pipes is being financed by the World Bank and is planned to be completed by early September.

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