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President Sargsyan Congratulates Prosecution System Employees

 It’s a special day in Armenia – a day to honor those employed in the Prosecution system.

On the occasion, President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory letter addressed to all those working in the various prosecutors’ offices and units throughout the country.

“Numerous tough issues face the prosecution system in Armenia. I can especially point to the strengthening of the supremacy of the rule of law and the fight against corruption,” Sargsyan writes.

“The first article of Armenia’s Constitution stipulates that our country is a democratic state based on the rule of law. This is the cornerstone of your work. Thus, your institution is tasked with the important mission of strengthening the defense of human rights and democratic values,” Sargsyan adds.

Armenia’s resident concludes by saying that he is glad to see intelligent young lawyers entering the ranks of the prosecution system, noting that the sector has a great resource of quality professionals. 

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