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Foreign Grants Received by Armenia’s Ministry of Culture

The “Union of Informed Citizens” has already presented the international grants Armenia has received in the agriculture sector. Continuing this series, we are presenting the international grants provided to Armenia’s culture sector.

The data provided by the Ministries of Culture and Finance of Armenia in response to our inquiry show that organizations functioning under the RA Ministries of Culture and Finance received grants totaling US$ 4,060,180 during 2005-2014.

By Projects

In terms of the amount of financial assistance, 1st place goes to the National Cinema Center of Armenia SNCO. The Center (a State Non-Commercial Organization) has received more than 3 million Euros in assistance from different countries for shooting 10 films.

In 2013, the Russian Federation allocated 501,140 Russian rubles (about US$ 16,000) to the Gyumri State Dramatic Theatre (V. Adjemyan) SNCO for activities carried out as part of the “Gyumri as the Cultural Capital of CIS Countries” program and the international theatre festival “Duet”.

In 2008-2014, the National Philarmonic Orchestra of Armenia received a total grant of 21,177,600 AMD from Italy, France, Poland, Latvia, Open Society Foundations – Armenia, and Eurasia Foundation for the organization and implementation of different concerts.

The controversial restoration and reinforcement of the medieval “Bridge” monument in the administrative area of Garni community was carried out with 32,423,368 AMD provided by the US Embassy in the Republic of Armenia in 2011.

In 2010-2013, the National Gallery of Armenia received 126,664,604 AMD in materials and equipment from Italy and Japan.

In 2010-2012, different regional libraries in Armenia received grants from Civilitas Foundation, Holland and USA. The grants, totaling 19,700,700 AMD, were for the purchase of new books and equipment.  

By Country

During the last 10 years, European institutions and countries have allocated a total of US$ 1.4 million to the cultural sector:  Ukraine - about $1.3 million, the US - more than $ 700,000, Russia – $360,000, Georgia – $230,000, and Japan – more than $100,000.

The above chart clearly shows that Europe is the main source of foreign assistance to culture in Armenia.

Surprisingly, to date, culture is the only sector in Armenia that we have found to have received any financial assistance from Russia.   At the same time, this assistance is more than three times less than the grants received from Ukraine and only slightly exceeds the grant amounts received from neighboring Georgia.

* The dollar amounts of European, Ukrainian, Georgian and Russian grants may be off a few per-cent due to currency rate fluctuations.

“Union of Informed Citizens”

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