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Seda Hergnyan

AmeriaBank Is Largest Bank Taxpayer in Armenia

All 21commercial banks operating in Armenia have been ranked in the top 1,000 taxpayers for the first half of 2015.

Seven of the banks are ranked in the top fifty taxpayers.

AmeriaBank is the largest taxpayer of the 21 banks (13th overall), paying 3.444 billion AMD (US$7.197 million) in taxes in the first six months of this year.

HSBC ranks the second largest bank taxpayer (20th overall) at 2.322 billion AMD.

VTB-Armenia comes in 3rd (24th overall) at 2.165 billion AMD.

ArdshininvestBank is 4th (26 overall) at 2.093 million; HayBusinessBank is 5th (27th overall) at 2.084 million; Acba-CreditAgricole Bank is 6th (36th overall) at 1.641 million; InecoBank is 7th (47th overall) at1.224 million in taxes; UniBank is 8th (54th overall) at 1.079 million; AraratBank is 9th (61st overall) at 945 million; and HayEconomBank is 10th(65th overall) at 855 million in taxes paid.

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