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Apple Computer Co-Founder Arrives in Armenia Tomorrow

Steve Wozniak, the Co-Founder of Apple Computers, will visit Armenia  tomorrow to receive the Global Award of the President of the Republic of Armenia for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity through IT 2011.  

Mr. Steve Wozniak is the second Laureate for the Global Award of the President of the Republic of Armenia for Outstanding Contribution to Humanity. The first Laureate - Mr. Craig Barrett, received the Global IT Award from the RA President Serzh Sargsyan on June 28th.

While in Armenia, Mr. Steve Wozniak will meet with Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and other government officials, representatives of the IT community, leading university management teams, students, professors and scientists.

A Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist for more than thirty years, Steve Wozniak has helped shape the computing industry with his design of Apple’s first line of products the Apple I and II and influenced the popular Macintosh. In 1976, Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer Inc. with Wozniak’s Apple I personal computer.

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