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HAK, ARF and OYK to Vote Against 2016 Draft Budget

The Rule of Law (OYK), Armenian National Congress (HAK), and ARF factions in Armenia’s parliament have announced that they will vote against the 2016 budget draft bill as presently drafted.

The Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) says it will announce its decision on the matter later.

OYK faction head Heghineh Bisharyan made the announcement on behalf of all the factions voting no.

Bisharyan noted: “Not only we MPs, but also numerous experts have failed to find any encouraging points in this draft. The draft budget for next year is not a cause for optimism since exports have fallen this year as well as the purchasing power of citizens. Despite the fact that Armenia’s rating in the World Bank’s “Doing Business” study has improved by three points, the level of investment at the heart of the 2016 national budget will only go up a bit, to 20.3%. This means that Armenia has a problem attracting investment and that even this study will not have a positive impact on investment.

MP Artzvik Minasyan expressed the position of the ARF, noting that calls for increasing national debt are risky ventures. “Naturally, we cannot support this budget,” said Minasyan.

Levon Zurabyan presented the position of HAK and argued that the draft shows that the government has no development plan for the country and no desire to draft one.

“Do you think that our people, that you have caused so much injury to, fating them to unemployment and poverty, dispersing their children throughout the world, will accept this chicanery of Serzh Sargsyan and will allow the usurpers, by changing the constitution, to crown him king in perpetuity?” said Zurabyan.

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