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Ararat Davtyan

Interrogation of Witness Was Not Finished: the Trial Is Continuously Being Postponed

Grigor Igitian was charged with misappropriation of American-Armenian philanthropist George Najarian's property.

The interrupted trial chaired by Zhora Vardanian resumed on April 2 in the court of first instance of Kentron [Center] and Nork-Marash districts. 

Witness Eduard Korkotian, Director of Liedro LLC implementing construction works, was interrogated for four hours during the court hearing. He said that in 2002, following Igitian's proposal, he started the construction of the incomplete buildings #4 and #11/12 located at Dzoragyugh ethnographic block of Yerevan. At the same time, Korkotian corrected the mistakes commited by previous constructors. After a while, George Najarian came from the US to Yerevan and expressed a wish to add one more storey to the aforementioned two-storeyed buildings. The American-Armenian philanthropist was displeased not only with the quality of work implemented by previous constructors, but also with incurred huge expenses.

”Najarian told Igitian: “I will hire an architect, do not deal with these issues any longer,” witness Korkotian told the court.

Shortly after this, architect Grigor Nazarian came from the US to Armenia and the control over the construction works and financing was implemented through him from that point on.

The witness noted in the court that he received around $42,000 from Igitian for the implemented works. However, as per Igitian's demand, he put his signature on a receipt for $80,950 for submitting a report to Najarian.

“I was without my glasses. I couldn't check what is written in Igitian's notes. I signed it trusting him. And then I went home and checked my notes and found out that the sum mentioned in the receipt was twice as much as the incurred expenses. I immediately called Igitian for clarifications. He said that the document did not have consequences and would not play any role. Later, during the preliminary investigation, I found out that Igitian used that receipt,” Korkotian said.

The witness told during the preliminary investigation that he received $36,450 from Igitian, which contradicted his testimony in the court. Answering the questions concerning this, Korkotian stated for several times: “I had documents in my hand during the preliminary investigation and, according to data provided in them, I gave answers to questions. Now, these documents are absent and I mention the numbers approximately,” he explained.

“The witness is giving evidently false testimony,” stated defendant's attorney Kromvel Grigorian adding that the criminal case initiated against his client is fabricated.

The comment of judge Vardanian followed immediately: “You have no right to give legal assesstments to the testimony of the witness and the evidence in the case.”

Korkotian stated in the court that, as far as he knew, the two buildings belong to Najarian and it was Najarian who financed the construction works. The witness also recalled that, during a conversation, Igitian said that Najarian made a promise to provide a part of the second floor of the building #11/12 to him.

The judge revoked several questions of Kromvel Grigorian addressed to the witness. Some of them were of repetitive nature and some of them, according to Vardanian, had no relation to the charges.

During the interrogation of Korkotian, the defendant's attorney also referred to the issues concerning the activity of the limited liability company headed by the witness and noted that the witness avoided paying taxes. Grigorian said that they will undertake a process of initiating a criminal case with respect to this.

The judge once again rebuked attorney Grigorian, noting that he is intimidating the witness and trying to exert pressure on him.

“All these issues were discussed during the preliminary investigation and there was no such an assessment, since the issues presented by the defender do not meet the reality. They just want to exert influence and pressure on the witness by this to gain a testimony advantageous for them,” said Najarian's lawyer Hrayr Ghoukassian during a conversation with us after the court hearing, adding: “I would describe the interrogation by the defender as a farce. This has always been their policy pursued for already 2-3 years aimed at delaying the adjudication of the case.”

And the trial has again been interrupted by a petition of the defendant's attorney. Although Grigorian noted that he has many questions to the witness, but he asked the judge to postpone the trial. The interrogation of the witness should have continued on April 5, but the hearing did not take place that day and again due to the initiative of the defender. The court hearing postponded till April 10.

During the April 10 court hearing, as per the questions of the defendant's attorney and permission of the judge, witness Korkotian examined the document involved in the criminal case, in which the amount he received for the construction works was provided. The witness noted: “I received the amount, in front of which there were English letters GN in brackets (i.e. Grigor Nazaryan, the architect hired by George Nazarian), from Grigor Nazarian, and I received the amounts, where there was no GN , from Grigor Igitian.”

After the clarifications by the witness, the defendant's attorney asked: “This document substantiates that you received all the amounts provided in it from Grigor Igitian. What would you say with respect to this?”

The judge revoked the question. “The witness has clearly answered from whom he received these sums,” Vardanian explained.

This was not the only question of the defendant's attorney, which was revoked by the court. During the court sitting, Kromvel Grigorian even deserved the following assessment of the judge: “You are a provoker in the true sense of the word. I cannot find another precise word.”

After it, the defendant's attorney submitted to the court, according to him, “the original copy of the document serving as a basis for the receipt of $80,950 which proves that the witness received the mentioned amount from Igitian. The copy of this document exists in the case and this is the original copy, where the letters GN are absent and it is written by the witness.” Grigorian asked the witness to answer whether he made the aforementioned notes or not.

Korkotian, first, said that all the notes in that document were made by Igitian, and then, having examined the document, stated: “There are erased parts in the document submitted by the defendant's side––the letters GN have been erased.”

“OK, we will submit a request for an expertise,” lawyer Grigorian objected, however he has not submitted such a request.

Igitian also obtained the opportunity to question the witness. However, most of his questions were already asked. Thus, the judge revoked them and noted: “Don't waist our time.”

In his turn, Vardanian found out from Korkotian that the initiative of adding third storey to the buildings #4 and #11/12 of Dzoragyugh belonged to George Najarian and the construction was implemented as per his instructions.

The judge asked: “Were there any objections, resentment from Igitian concerning whether why his buildings were being destructed?”

“No,” said the witness adding: “These buildings were being constructed by financing from Najarian. And let the court decide their ownership.”

The court hearing restarted on April 13, during which the testimony of witness Korkotian during the preliminary investigation was published and the sitting was again interrupted––this time at the initiative of the court.

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