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Jan. 26 USC Lecture: “19th Century Diplomatic Encounters in the Caucasus: Iran and Russia”

Throughout the centuries, Russo-Iranian relations have had a significant social, political and economic impact on the South Caucasus. 

On January 26, George Bournoutian, professor of history at Iona College, will be In Conversation with USC Professor Hani Khafipour on the topic: “19th Century Diplomatic Encounters in the Caucasus: Iran and Russia.” 

The discussion will take place at Ground Zero Coffeehouse at USC from 12 to 1 pm. Lunch will be served

Born in Isfahan, Iran, Professor Bournoutian is the author of A Concise History of the Armenia People. He is a researcher of a region that includes Armenia, Georgia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. Professor Bournoutian’s previous posts include Assistant Director of Russian Institute at Columbia University and Assistant Provost of Columbia University. He has been a visiting professor at Tufts, Rutgers, and New York Universities among others.

Professor Khafipour is a specialist in the history of medieval and early-modern Iran. He teaches courses on the Middle East, Islamic political thought and theory, and comparative history of the political and religious institutions of the early modern states in the Middle East.Khafipour is the editor of the forthcoming book with Columbia University Press, Empires of the Near East and India.

 “Armenia is, as we often say, at the crossroads of world cultures. Professor Bournoutian will talk about Armenia and Armenians at the crossroads of regional diplomacy.  And this isn’t just serious scholarship, this is scholarship about real people changing history,” says Salpi Ghazarian, director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies.

The talk will be live streamed at http://tinyurl.com/iran-russia so those who can’t attend can watch.

This event will follow a morning program entitled, “Invitation to launch Gulbenkian Foundation’s report Armenians in 2115: Strategic Directions for the Twenty-first Century.” At 9 a.m. on January 26 (at HNB 100), the USC Institute of Armenian Studies will be one of three sites – Yerevan, London, Los Angeles – discussing the report and its findings. In addition to USC, a similar discussion will be taking place in Yerevan and London simultaneously, with each city following the other discussion as well.

For information: 213.821.3943[email protected]

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