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Seda Hergnyan

Armenia's Economic Activity Index Climbs 3.1% in 2015

According to preliminary data published by Armenia’s National Statistical Service, the country’s Economic Activity Index (EAI) rose 3.1% in 2015 compared to 2014.

(The EAI tracks macroeconomic indicators of economic activity)

  • Gross agricultural output totaled 1.2 trillion AMD in; up 15.6% over July 2014.
  • The service sector (no sales) in 2015 amounted to 1.188 trillion AMD; up 2.7% over 2014.
  • Manufactures stood at 1.327 trillion AMD for 2015; up 5.2% from 2015.
  • Construction output amounted to 457.2 billion AMD; up 0.3% from 2014.
  • Trade output stood at 2.282 billion AMD; down 8% from 2014.

So far this year Armenia’s EAI was highest in June (8.5%) and lowest in January (1.9%).

(1 trillion AMD = US$ 2,052,000,000.00)

(1 billion AMD = US$ 2,052,000.00)

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