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Ani Hovhannisyan

Devious Job Description: Former Gazprom Inspector Claims She Was Illegally Dismissed

Gayaneh Kirakosyan used to work as an inspector for Gazprom Armenia. She claims that she was forced to resign because management charged her with not carrying out certain work-related duties. Kirakosyan says those duties didn’t fall within her job description.

Mrs. Kirakosyan told Hetq that at the beginning of 2016 she went to work as usual at the Malatya-Sebastia branch of Gazprom in Yerevan.

During a staff meeting, branch head Garik Sargsyan declared that six inspectors had to submit resignation papers. The reason, according to Kirakosyan, was that these inspectors hadn’t removed the required number of violations related to gas distribution within the home.

“They had given me a list of 334 in-house violations. I had resolved 33 of them, even though such work wasn’t in my job description. I performed my responsibilities quite effectively otherwise,” says Mrs. Kirakosyan.

Such technical services are the purview of specialists from A-I-J Service Ltd., and not Gazprom.

The company signed a contract with Gazprom in July 2007 to provide such services (At the time Gazprom Armenia operated under the name of HayRusGazArt.)

When Hetq asked Gazprom why it had instructed its inspectors to do the work of A-I-J Services, we received the following reply:

“The inspectors do not verify in-house network violations and defects, nor do they look for such violations. Rather, as per protocol, they make sure that the gas supply in the apartment is turned off until the violations recorded by A-I-J Services have be rectified. Evidently, Gayaneh Kirakosyan didn’t understand the nature of her work and the instructions given her.”

This explanation by Gazprom doesn’t tally with reality. Even though Gazprom claims that its inspectors are responsible for seeing that in-house violations are fixed, when we met Mrs. Kirakosyan we saw the bunch of violation papers in her hand.

Mrs. Kirakosyan even went so far as to check Gazprom’s official job description for inspectors and saw that there was no mention of being responsible for repairing violations.

In essence, Gazprom branch head Garik Sargsyan had no substantiation when he charged Kirakosyan with not fulfilling her duties and demanded that she tender her resignation.

Nevertheless, Gazprom claims that, “Gayaneh Kirakosyan was never presented with a demand to resign, and the work contract signed with her was voided by mutual consent of the parties.”

A visibly upset Kirakosyan said that during her six years with Gazprom she has never been late or missed a day of work without reason.

Mrs. Kirakosyan is currently unemployed.

Top photo: Narek Aleksanyan

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Սա խոսում է այն մասին, որ նման մեծ կազմակերպությունը կամ Արհմիություն չունի, կամ էլ եթե ունի ձևական բնույթ է կրում: Այլապես տիկին Գայանեն ոչ թե անհիմն վիրավորանքից հետո կգնար դիմում կգրեր, այլ կդիմեր Արհմիություն՝ իր շահերի պաշտպանության համար ...

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