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Strange but true campaign stories

On May 9, 2003 Martin Hovhannissyan, a candidate for parliament in Precinct # 2 in the Nor Nork district of Yerevan, organized a festive banquet for veterans of World War II. The party took place in Hovannisyan's store in Nor Nork. Afterwards, the veterans were presented with a pack of cigarettes and 5,000 drams (about $9) each.

Manushak Iritsyan

Threats may affect the outcome of the elections

F. Kostandyan, the campaign manager for Precinct # 40 (Alaverdi) majoritarian candidate Hamlet Tamazyan, has lodged a complaint with Central Election Commission Chairman Artak Sahradyan, saying that voter registers have not yet been prepared in 19 out of 51 local constituencies. Campaign activists say that in violation of the Election Code, the marzpet (governor) of Lori and the mayor of Alaverdi are campaigning with their employees during working hours in schools, medical institutions and other institutions and enterprises subordinated to their offices, thus putting pressure upon their directors. According to the Kostanyan, they demand that the staffs of these institutions vote for candidate Hovanness Kochinyan. “Those who have jobs are the main targets of pressure, they are threatened with being fired if they don’t obey,” the complaint reads.

Hamlet Tamazyan’s supporters believe that all this creates artificial tension among the electors. They have asked the Central Election Commission to intervene and to ensure that the campaign is conducted in accordance with the Election Code.

Karine Simonyan

Praising the opponent or campaign trickery?

Campaigning in Precinct # 40, Hovhannes Kochinyan has started to praise his longtime rival, parliamentary candidate Larissa Paremuzyan. Since 1999, Larissa Paremuzyan has been the main public critic of Kochinyan brothers. Every time Paremuzyan has tried to defeat the brothers in previous elections, she has lost. She believes this is because Marzpet Henrik Kochinyan has applied administrative levers against her, and thinks that she has always scored a moral victory. In this race Paremuzyan’s chances to be considered the strongest challenger have diminished. The Kochinyan brothers’ attacks are mainly directed at the honorary citizen of Alaverdi and medical doctor, Professor Hamlet Tamazyan. Thus, if in previous races Hovhannes Kochinyan hurled personal and political accusations at Paremuzyan, this time (especially over the last few days) Kochinyan stresses at all his campaign rallies that of the four candidates, only he and Paremuzyan have clear political positions and election platforms.

Larissa Paremuzyan is supported by the Ardarutiun (Justice) Bloc. The Kochinyan brothers realize that the votes cast for Paremuzyan will be at Hamlet Tamazyan’s expense.

All attempts by Tamazyan and Paremuzyan to work together have failed so far, and the majority of voters believe that they impede each other’s chances to beat Hovhannes Kochinyan.

Karine Simonyan

Campaign Show in Alaverdi

The Baze (falcon) Armenian Youth Movement has staged yet another concert program in Alaverdi. The rhythmic songs and music were interrupted by campaign slogans. But the audience often had to correct misstatements by the performers. One of the singers shouted out the name of the Lori marzpet at the top of his lungs. The audience pointed out that the candidate is not governor Henrik Kochinyan, but his brother. Singer Maya Margaryan confused the last day of their concerts with Election Day, calling on the audience to vote for the Republican Party on May 23rd.

Karine Simonyan

Power cut on the campaign trail

Harutiun Gharagiozyan (nicknamed Caramel), the RPA candidate in Precinct # 12 of the Shengavit district of Yerevan, is doing everything he can to wreck the campaign of his main opponent, independent candidate Versandik Hakobyan. Gharagiozyan supporters tried to spoil Hakobyan's May 12th meeting with electors in Noragavit. A group of people led by Gharogiozyan's brother beat up the organizers of the meeting. Caramel Harut's brother personally beat one of the organizers, Norik Sargissyan. Nevertheless, the meeting took place. But soon the electricity in the area was cut off, and the organizers had to bring in a generator to turn on the microphones. According to our information, members of the precinct election commission are being pressured as well.

Election bribes for the disabled

According to the Sosi TV Company of Kapan, “60 disabled people in Kapan were provided with crutches, prosthetic devices and orthopedic shoes. Specialists from the Prosthetic-Orthopedic Company who came fromYerevantook the measurements and handed the presents to the disabled.” The day before they had been in Goris and called on the disabled to vote for Suren Khachatryan, who is running for parliament in Majoritarian Precinct # 52 and is supported by the Republican Party. And in Kapan, the specialists from the Prosthetic-Orthopedic Company were advising voting for Republican Serge Mkrtchyan.

Parliamentary candidate paves the streets

On May 8, 2003 in the town ofNor Hajn, roadwork was done at the initiative of Aram Harutiunyan, a candidate for parliament in Majoritarian Precinct # 44. The main streets of Nor Hajn were paved with asphalt. The residents of the town are happy that the streets are being paved but they don’t promise to vote for Aram Harutiunyan.

Orinats Yerkir reveals its financial sources

Ankiun+3 TV station in Alaverdi (Lori Marz) has observed that the most large-scale campaigning in the region is by Orinats Yerkir, which spends more money than any other party. Sergo Yeritsyan, the vice-chairman of the party, neither denies nor confirms this observation. He says that their financial resources come from the membership fees of 50,000 party members. According to Yeritsyan, donations ranging from AMD 500 to AMD 150,000 are being transferred to their campaign bank account. “Our donors are people who want to see positive changes inArmenia. We do everything within the legal framework,” Yeritsyan said in his interview with the TV station. We remind you that people say that this party was created by Defense Minister Serge Sargissyan.

ACP votes for the governor's brother

Valery Mejlumyan, the president of the ACP Company in Alaverdi (formerly the mining and smelting plant), told his employees to vote for the brother of Lori marzpet (governor) Henrik Kochinyan.

“The country needs a strong presidential power,” Mejlumyan believes. To create a strong state he advises his employees to vote for a parliamentary candidate who supports president Kocharyan. Mejlumyan states that there are two officials who have made great contributions to the improvement of the company’s performance. One is Lori marzpet Henrik Kochinyan, and the other is the vice-chairman of the Orinats Yerkir party, Sergo Yeritsyan. Thus he suggests voting for the marzpet’s brother Hovhannes Kochinyan in the majoritarian election and for the Orinats Yerkir party in the proportional election. Let us add that Sergo Yeritsyan is on ACP’s payroll as an advisor.

Orinats Yerkir organizes a campaign baptism

According to the Zangak TV Station in Martuni, the Orinats Yerkir party organized a baptism ceremony in their town. Orinats Yerkir has been organizing baptism for children in the republic for two years now. Each year the church baptizes 200 to 300 children thanks to the party. On May 1st another baptism took place in church in Martuni. Stepan Barseghyan, a member of the board of the party was the godfather of all 70 children who were baptized. Each child received a gold cross. Stepan Barseghyan insists that the baptism ceremony had nothing to do with the parliamentary elections.

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