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Seda Hergnyan

Armenia's Wines: Production Levels Basically Unchanged Over Past 5 Years

When it comes to wine making in Armenia, there’s what produced in a villager’s still and what’s produced in wineries and factories – the former isn’t taxed, even though oftentimes homemade wines is sold.

According to Armenia’s National Statistical Service (NSS). Armenia produced 3.314 liters of wine in the first six months of 2016; a 10% increase over the same period last year.

What follows are Armenian wine production figures for the last five years:

2011 – 6.192 million liters

2012 – 5.718 million liters

2013 – 6.680 million liters

2014 – 6.176 million liters

2015 – 5.932 million liters

Now, let’s take a look at Armenian wine export figures:

2011 – 733,000 million liters

2012 – 1.186 million liters

2013 – 1.399 million liters

2014 – 2.121 million liters

2015 – 1.452 million liters

Russia is the largest buyer of Armenian wine.

In the first half of 2016, Armenia exported some 780,000 liters of wine at a value of US$2.5 million. 

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