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Seda Hergnyan

Largest 1,000 Taxpayers in Armenia Pay $1.1 Billion In First 9 Months

In the first nine months of 2016, the largest 1,000 taxpayers in Armenia shelled out 525 billion AMD (US$ 1.105 billion) to the country’s coffers.

This is a 1.9% increase compared to the same period in 2015.

The largest taxpayer remains Gazprom Armenia, paying 29.8 billion AMD ($62.7 million).

Coming in second was Grand Tobacco Armenian-Canadian Joint Venture LLC – 16.5 billion AMD ($34.8 million). This company came in eighth place during the same period last year.

The Vorotan Hydroelectric Complex again came in third place – 15.5 billion AMD ($32.7 million.

Rounding out the top ten taxpayers were:

Electric Networks of Armenia – 14 billion AMD ($29.6 million)

Aleks Grig – 11.1 billion AMD ($23.4 million)

Teghout CJSC– 10.8 billion AMD ($22.7 million)

Karabakh Telecom – 10.7 billion AMD ($22.6 million)

CPS Oil Corporation – 9.9 billion AMD ($20.8 million)

Flash (Wholesale and retail sale of oil products) – 9.2 billion AMD ($19.4 million)

Armenia Telephone Co. – 9.1 billion ($19.2 million)

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