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Edik Baghdasaryan

Lilit Needs Your Help! (Video)

Lilit began to cry when I asked about her friends.

No one in the class wanted to be friends with her. The others didn’t even want to sit next to here.

Most probably the parents of the others kids told them to keep their distance from Lilit – she was sick, after all. This is what makes the 10 year-old most sad.

We had returned to the village of Sipanik to follow up on the original story that appeared in Hetq.

I realized that I had asked the wrong question but I didn’t know how to stop her crying. I tried to change the subject by talking to Lilit’s brother Benik, but all the boy could say was “yes” or “no”. He too is sick, being diagnosed with inflammation of the kidneys.

Living in such a damp and cold tomik, getting sick is par for the course. Then too, there’s the malnutrition to throw into the negative mix. The fate of this family seems to be spiralling backwards.

Lilit's mother, Karineh Sargsyan Lilit

Karineh, the kids’ mother, sat in a corner and remained silent during our entire visit. Her husband had died, leaving her the full task of taking care of the children and house. Her sister Narineh filled us in on the details of the family’s struggle – the doctors, medical bills, petitions to the government and charitable organizations, etc.

It seems that Narineh is the driving force keeping this family together and with hope towards the future.

Lilit's aunt, Narineh Sargsyan

“I will do everything I can to save her childhood,” Narineh says. And Lilit’s childhood is full of constant pain, difficulty breathing and pills. Lilit was curled up on the bed looking at us with a measure of fear.

Maybe she wanted us to leave as quickly as we came. It was hard for me to read her thoughts.

When you read the responses of various officials and our 1,710 year-old church to the letters written by the family for help, it makes you cry out in disbelief and shock.

I had already stopped listening to Narineh’s stories. How could I as a reporter help if what I wrote didn’t change the young girl’s life?

Yesterday, the results of the All-Armenian Fund Telethon were announced – almost $$12 million was raised.

Lilit’s family has racked up a 300,000 debt at the village store and they have no money for heating. There’s nothing to eat. Isn’t there anyone at the Fund willing to respond to the pleas of this family? I then realize that if such a person existed, he or she would have acted by now. The Fund deals with “global” matters, after all.

Lilit, 8 year-old Benik and grandmother Nina Babakhanyan

Scores of Hetq readers have responded to Lilit’s plight, asking how they can assist. But even this outpouring of goodwill isn’t a solution. Talking clothes and some food will keep the family going for another few weeks or a month or two at best.

The government must be forced to assume its obligations. The government could have allocated housing to this family years ago because their former home was engulfed in rising groundwater; a natural disaster. The foundation gave way and one of the walls collapsed. The Regional Authority condemned the house as uninhabitable and gave the family two old trailer wagons to live in. The family’s health has suffered mightily as a result.

Lilit and her family live in this trailer

All the government had to do is grant a piece of land and some money to build the family a new house. And the government could have done it. But it didn’t. Regional and state officials are too busy with other matters – big business matters. What do they care about the plight of a destitute family – Lilit, her brother, mother and grandma? There’s too much paperwork involved and officials would rather spend their precious time expanding their businesses.

Before leaving the tomik, I again try to talk to Lilit.

“When you graduate from school, what would you like to do?” I ask.

“Become a doctor, like my doctor,” Lilit answers.

The girl has grown attached to her doctor Satik Haroutyunyan. Lilit’s eyes light up when she talks about Doctor Satik.

This is a good sign and the source of hope.

Photos: Hakob Poghosyan

P.S. After Hetq’s coverage of Lilit and her family, we received letters and phone calls from people wanting to help. Lilit’s aunt Narineh told us that representatives from the Ararat Regional Governor even paid a visit. They stayed for less than 5 minutes.

One of the reps, Garik Vardanyan, asked the family which reporters had arrived and what had the family told them. Vardanyan then told the family that the Regional Governor’s refusal to help had been an oversight on their part. He ordered the family to hand over the refusal letter. He pocketed the letter and then handed the family 30,000 AMD ($85). They immediately left.

Two days later, the village mayor asked Lilit’s mother to pay him a visit. She went to his office and was given 30,000 AMD.

This is how regional and local officials try to cover their tracks once the press covers their inaction and indifference.

Dear readers, if you want to help Lilit and her family, please, contact Grisha Balasanyan: author of the original article. Mobile: (+374) 93822680 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grisha.balasanyan


Comments (34)

barev es shatem uraxanum erb tesnumem vor der kan bari mardiq sakayn txrumem erb haskanum em vor ays dramahavaqner@ kam espes asvac biznes dramahavaqner@ veracvumen monopolizmi..... xndrumem chvichel....husovem kayqi admin@ khaskana inche texi nuenum erb grohumen kayqi vra hay hakerner@....
Astvats orhne tser baregortsutyun@, uzum enk emanal A.M.N. its vor bankov karox enk uxarkel mer ognutyun@
shat huzveci, es el anpayman kognem Lilitin, uxxaki nor tarva hamar nverner ktanem... shat apreq ays amen@ kazmakerpelu hamar....apsos vor mer erkrum Lilitner@ shat en...
Vahag jan, Mane jan, Lilitn aprum e Ararati marzi Sipanik gyuxum, vor gnaq gyux , hastat kgtneq.
es el em uuzum nyut patrastel.iranc vonc karox em gtnel?
joxovurd jan hasce ktaq? menq vareliqi harc@ klucenq
to nene. Der argelvats che kartsiq haytnel. Inch verabervum a katolikosin meghadrelu kam chmeghadrelu mej, yes unem im kartsiqy ev iravunq unem grelu inch uzum em. Isk inch verabervum a nran te yes inch em arel u i dep voch miayn Liliti hamar (u der hastat kanem), apa hastat katolikosic shat, dranum im khightchy maqur a. Tenc vor Duq el avelilav a ogneq erexajin animast khorhurdner talu teghy.
es anpayman kognem Lilitin
(Rubin you wrote: stop trying to blame …- the reporter I guess is an atheist or a schismatic (C) You suggest stopping to blame somebody and you yourself blame somebody (unfamiliar to you) - mutually exclusive statements, don't you think so?!) The reporter has already done what a reporter should do (and he is going on...) May I ask what have you done for this certain case, besides teaching others to act properly?
Can you mention one single good thing which was done by our church within last 100 years? I mean not church as institution or religion, but PERSONS who are there, katholikos, etc.? I am sure you can not. Our Katholikos takes care only on himself and his various businesses.
the reporter I guess is an atheist or a schismatic, stop trying to blame our church, you act like loosers and internal enemies, do something yourselves and learn what kind of great things our church does.
Arajiny Tsavum em im joxovrdi hamar, vor tshnamu koxmits aydqan kotoratsneri ev charcharanqneri mijov ancnelov ir ankax erkrum chi karox odevan gtnel. Ev petq e amachen ayn mardiq ovqer hamardzakvum en moranal ev uranal Vivacell-i koxmits arvats baregortsutyunnery mer socialapes anapahov xavi hamar. Ur en mer ampagorgor xosatsox Metsaharustnery ev Pashtonyannery???
Amboxj xndir@ nranum e,vor aysor pokrik < Lilitner >shat kan mer irakanutyan mej ,amen angam ertuxayinov ashxatanqi gnalis, verjers arcunqnern anpakasen im achqerum .Lur nayumme mardkanc u manukneri,hatkapes manukneri achqerin,ur porcumem gtnel mankutyun cicax ,xind,CHKA...Hanrapetutyan heravor gyuxerum kan @ntaniqner,vor aysor der xanutnerum partqi tetrak unen ,u der sovac dprocen uxarkum irenc erexanerin ,sovac u ..harcer hnchel te marmni vor masove mtacum mer [email protected],stamoqsov,mi lav u tank tex hac utelu gerxndirne ir uxexum...Tats te tatis tat@ mi lav xosq uner tevavor....(shat erg gitem,hama dzen chunem .....)
Մի քանի օր առաջ փոքրիկ Լիլիթի մասին «Հետքի» հրապարակումները շատերին հուզեց: Ստացանք բազմաթիվ արձագանքներ: Մի խումբ մարդիկ արդեն իրականացնում են փոքրիկ Լիլիթի բարեկեցիկ մանկությանն ուղղված նախաձեռնություններ: Արդեն կան դրամական փոխանցումներ Հայաստանից եւ արտերկրից: Այսօր առավոտյան Լիլիթի մայրիկը նաեւ հաշվեհամար է բացել, որով կարող եք կատարել փոխանցումներ: Կոնվերս բանկ, Երեւան Դրամային հաշվեհամար` 19300 412235 70100 Հաշվեհամար եվրոյով` 19300 41223570104 Դոլարային հաշվեհամար` 19300 41223570101 Փոխանցեք Կարինե Սարգսյանի անունով` Լիլիթի մայրը: Արտասահմանյան փոխանցումների համար անհրաժեշտ կլինի հետեւյալ տեղեկությունը` Փոխանցում եվրոյով` Correspondent Bank DEUTSCHE BANK AG, FRANKFURT – MAIN, GERMANY SWIFT: DEUTDEFF Beneficiary’s Bank FOR CREDIT ACC. /947 2895 CONVERSE BANK CORP. YEREVAN, RA, SWIFT: COVBAM22 Beneficiary: KARINE SARGSYAN (Lilit’s mother). Փոխանցում դոլարով` Correspondent Bank DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS, NEW YORK, USA SWIFT: BKTRUS33 Beneficiary’s Bank FOR CREDIT ACC 04418885 CONVERSE BANK CJSC, YEREVAN, RA, SWIFT: COVBAM22 Beneficiary: KARINE SARGSYAN (Lilit’s mother).
Roman harutyunyan, isk poloz chi inqnert kapnveq, te usnerict astghere ktapen?
Roman harutyunyan
Joxovurd Es ashxatum em WV-um vorpes Erexaneri pashtpanutyan harcerov pordsaget, khndrum em vor Grisha Blasanyan kapvi mer het knnarkelu hnaravor lustsumner@: 099 74-91-17, menk karogh en vorosh harcerov ajakcelu
es aprum em Gyumrium ev nmanatip yntaniqner aistex inchqan ases kan, jamanakavor poqrik ognutyunnery ais tipi yntaniqnerin chi prki, petq e harcy global barcracnel, ishxanutyunnerin artnacnel,vor irenc taquk vorjeric durs gan ev joxovrdi masin mtacen
Cavum em eghatsi hamar.Xndrem kapveq 077-303-729 heraxosin,Tamarin,ev ayceleq Masisi shrjan,gyux Nor Kyurin,tnakum 20 tari aprogh,erkrasharjic heto Ashot Danielyani antaniqin,Ashoty hashmandam e,ev uni 2 usanogh erexa.Es,groghs,unem 6,eghbayr quyr,erexa...bolory kariqi mej,i vichaki chem ognel bolorin,es el otarutyan mej.thuyl tveq chnkaragrel im vichaky,chem uzum artasveq.Es el xndrum em ISHXANUTYUNNERIN ognel im eghbor antaniqin.Hyur gnaceq,sirov kandunen.Husam, cavakcogh andz kkarda girys.Astvats ktesni,ev.............
De Mer erkrum Lilitin u ira @ntaniqin menak bari mardiq petqa ognen qani vor mer hancagorc ishxanutyunner@ talaneluc u spaneluc baci ban chgiten iranq aveli shut erku milon kkrven kazinoyum qan 100 dolar ktan Liliti nman kariqi mej gtnvox mardkanc, de principi menq iravunqel chunenq es ishxanutyunneric ban pahanjelu hancagrocneric normal mardiq inch karan pahajnen, inchqam shut es hancagorcneric mer azg@ azatvi cankacac dzevov enqam boloris hamar lav klini u Liliti nman erexeqi chakatagrov kzbaxvi normal petutyun@ u patkan marminner@ ayl voch te bari mardiq voronq arden chgiten umn ognen.
Es nuynpes kcankanayi ognel gumarov ays @ntaniqin xndrum em tramadreq kontakner
uvajaemiy Anush, derevnya Sepanik. Nujno iz Argavanda, ne vyezjaya v Parakar, svernuts na levo a tam 10min ezdi. A Sipanike sprosite lubogo, vam pokajut gte jivyot Lilit.
Уважаемый Гриша, просим Вас опубликовать расчетный счет, куда можно зачислить денежные средства для спасения маленькой Лилит. Также просим написать адрес, где живет эта семья.
baci mer finansakan ognutyunic, menq petq e nayev Lilitin ev ir @ntaniqin ognenq tan harcum, kartsum em karox enq inch vor akcianer kazmakerpel, baci ayd karox enq havaqvel naxagahi nstavayri mot, ete bolors havaqvenq, gone amotic mi ban kanen ed erexu hamar, kam el gnanq despanatneri mot, vor amotic mernen en verevinner@ , vor otarneric enq ognutyun xndrum
mexqa ? karcum em vochmekin dur cher ga ete imanain vor iren xxjum en, isk na aroxj klini miain en depqum erb nra mair@ aroxj u erjanik klini, qani vor minchev voroshaki tariq erexan der mor dashtum e ....
Gayane Manukyan
Mecaguyn hachujkov kaoxem ognel inchov hnaravore, spasumem hashvehamari hraparakmany.. ev kuzei naev imanal hivandutyan dem inch hnaravor pajkar ka....
cavalin giteq vorn e?? vor es vijakum gtnvox erexa hayastanum miayn Lility che....((((
Karaq hashehamar greq tenanq inchov karanq ognenq aseq ete karas Balasanyan Grisha kapnvir Հայկական Երգեր Եվրոպա Fecebook intik gri vonch karam pox@ poxancem Հայկական Երգեր Եվրոպա
petk e eshxanavornerin cshel aid vagon tnakner u tal aprusti nman paymanner.amot nrants.
ara de inch kap uni e
ed erexun hayastanum hassstata chen buji , glux@ utelu en... es dem em anmast akcianerin , bayc menak mi ban a mtkis galis, tani ed erexun mer azgayin joxovi dem@ nsti mi hat balatka xpi minchev patgamavorneric mek@ kazinoyic krac kga mi 2 kopek kta kprkven!!!
իսկ կլինի հաշվի համար գրեք ?
Հարգելի ընթերցողներ, Լիլիթին եւ նրա ընտանիքին օգնելու համար կապվեք նյութի հեղինակի` Գրիշա Բալասանյանի հետ: Հեռ` (+374) 93822680 Էլ. հասցե` [email protected] ֆեյսբուք` https://www.facebook.com/grisha.balasanyan Dear readers, If you want to help Lilit and her family, please, contact Grisha Balasanyan: author of the article. Mobile: (+374) 93822680 E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grisha.balasanyan
Mexqa Lilit@ kareliya Fecebookov suxur arvi ognen
Grisha jan, hima inch anenk nstenk spasenk te ishkhanutyune inch kani?
Hetaqrqir e,marmni vor masov e mtacum Katoxikos@?

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