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Armenia's Culture Ministry to Lease 'Landmark' Caves for Commercial Use

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia has launched a contest of leasing 4 caves and a cave group for 5 years for the purpose of tourism (If one does its best do satisfy requirements of the signing contract the winner will have an opportunity to rent the same cave for more 20 years without any contest each time for 5 years).

Foreign legal entities and private businessmen can apply for this contest.

You can apply for both all 5 caves and for one of them.

  1. Magelan's Cave is situated in Gnishik community of Vayots Dzor Province, is 105 km to south from Yerevan (Armenia).  Magelan's Cavern is one of the largest caves in Armenia; its mapped area is 1.7 km lenght. The cave has a unique underground eco-system, rich biodiversity, many coverings of paleontological and archeological artifacts. It is defined as a unique shelter in the Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Armenia and in the Red List of The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the species of bats living in it.

(You can find more detailed information and terms of use in the package of Contest).

  1. Trchuneri (Birds') Cave is situated in Areni in Vayots Dzor Province, 105 km far from Yerevan (Armenia). The cavern is a collection of small caves with a total area of about 400-600 square meters. Based on the results of radiocarbon examination, samples taken from these layers) are traced back to late 5th- early 4th millennium BC. A more recent excavation uncovered evidence of wine production from the Chalcolithic period,which is one of the earliest known sites for wine fermentation in the world (4th millenium  BC). The oldest footwear of the world was found here, which is about 6000 years old.

(You can find more detailed information and terms of use in package of Contest).

  1. Archi or Bear’s Cave is located in Arpi, Vayots Dzor Region, 123km south from Yerevan (Armenia) .The cave is more than 3,5 kilometers lenght. It is the biggest cave in Armenia. It is the main shelter for Rhinolophus Euryale which is inscribed in the Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Armenia.

(You can find more detailed information and terms of use in package of Contest). 

  1. The Cave of Mozrov is located in Vayots Dzor province in Arpi community which is 126 km south from Yerevan ( Armenia). It is the third longest cave in Armenia, the cave's length is more than 300 meters. Lots of stalactites, stalagmites, flowstones and crystals come out from top and bottom in its extensive chambers. From time to time the cave becomes a shelter for the Rhinolophus euryale and Myotis mystacinus.

(You can find more detailed information and terms of use in package of Contest).

  1.  Stone doors cave is located in Aghdzk in the Aragatsotn Province of Armenia, 33 km far from Yerevan.  The cavern with its unique and stable microclimate was perfect for food storage, which explains how uncovered organic remnants were so well preserved.

(You can find more detailed information and terms of use in package of Contest). 

All 5 caves have been granted the status of immovable monument of history and culture.

You can find more detailed information and download the documents visiting the official website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia with the following link http://mincult.am/home-1-3475-page-0.html The whole information is in Armenian, those foreign legal entities and private businessmen who don’t master Armenian language can contact A. Soghomonyan  (tel. +374 11 58 51 78, e-mail. [email protected]) to get the information in Russian.

To get the information in Russian and English you can contact Suren Shakaryan (e-mail: [email protected]), head of the division of protection and use of monuments and historic environment of Agency for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture. 

To get the information in Russian, English and French you can contact Arev Samuelyan (e-mail: [email protected]), deputy minister of Culture of the Republic of Armenia. 

To get your invitation in a documentary form you have to submit a written address (you can submit these documents as well as get the others ones right in the website).

You have to submit the applications in Armenian before May 12, 2017 at 18.00 (Armenia time).

You can deliver your package to the following address: # 3, Vazgen Sargsyan str., Governmental House 2, Yerevan, Armenia.

The applications will be uncovered in the same address on May 15 at 11:00.

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia has organized a tour to the caves on April 18, 2017 to examine the monuments on spot. 

Comments (3)

Կիրակոսյան Գեւորգ
Տալ թե չտալ, շատ դժվար հարց է՝ հայերիս համար: Եթե չտալ, ապա ինչու համար պահել այն, մեկուսացված ու մոռացված? Իսկ եթե տալ, ապա մեծ հավանականությամբ, այն եւս կվերածվի մի էլիտար ,,ուտելատեղի,, ավերիչ հետեւանքներով, ինչպես ասենք, Զանգվի գեղատեսիլ կիրճն է հիմա այլանդակված: Խելացի մոտեցումը հետեւյալը կլիներ – վարձակալության մրցույթից առաջ ՀԱՐԿԱՎՈՐ Է ՄԱՍՆԱԳԻՏԱԿԱՆ ՆԱԽԱԳԻԾ – ԱՌԱՋԱՐԿԻ ՄՐՑՈՒՅԹ ՀԱՅՏԱՐԱՐԵԼ, - թե ինչպես անել որ եւ գառները ողջ մնան եւ թե գայլերը հագենան: Այսինքն, թե գիտությունը շահի եւ թե երկիրը (եւ ոչ միայն բիզնեսմեն-խանութատերերը:) Բայց ... ով ականջ պիտի կախի այս միամիտ առաջարկին?
Կիրակոսյան Գեւորգ
Ցուցակի մեջ 5 անուն է, որոնք միասին աճուրդի են հանվում! Իսկ տարրական դատողությունը պահանջում էր որ գոնե միայն մեկից սկսեին իրենց ,,պրիվատիզացիայի գործընթացը,, - փորձնականորեն, որպիսզի գլխի ընկնեն, թե արդյունքում ինչ է ստացվելու ....
Հիմա էլ քարանձավներն է ուզում ընտանեկան հանգստի վայր դարձնել պ-րն Ամիրյանը ռեստորան ու սաունա բացել քարանձավի այցելուների համար:

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