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Armenian Prime Minister to Attend Davos Summit

Armenian Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan will leave for Switzerland on January 22 to attend the 2018 World Economic Summit in Davos.

This year's theme "Creating a shared future in a Fractured World" calls on world leaders to develop a shared perspective on political, economic and social topics to embrace positive change globally.

Karapetyan is scheduled to attend the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL)

As Larry Elliott writes in The Guardian:

“Davos is organised around a series of themed sessions in which panels of experts give their views on the issues of the moment. Behind the scenes, world leaders are encouraged to talk more freely at "Igwels" – informal gatherings of world economic leaders. This is supposed to be where the business of Davos is done, although the real deal-making takes place in one-on-one clandestine meetings.”

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