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Bulgarian President and First Lady Visit Armenia

Bulgarian President Rumen Radav and his wife Desislava Radeva arrived in Armenia today, and were greeted by Armenian President Serzg Sargsyan and First Lady Rita Sargsyan.

Radav is paying an official visit to Armenia at the invitation of President Sargsyan.

“While ten years have passed since my state visit to Bulgaria, I remember it fondly since it was full of warmth and manifestations of friendship. I want to note with satisfaction, Mr. President, that we have realized serious achievements in these past 25 years. And while we are not fully using the potential that exists between our two countries, those achievements are genuine. They are genuine because our relations are founded on good historic friendship,” Sargsyan stated, according to his press office.

Radav said that he was looking forward to signing four important cooperation documents. 

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