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Construction Company Charged with Weakening Foundations of "Little Singers" Building in Yerevan

A criminal case has been launched regarding illegal construction that has weakened the foundations of a landmark building in the “Old Yerevan” neighborhood of the Armenian capital, where the Little Singers of Armenia group practices.

The case involves two construction companies – Old City CJSC and Avagyanbridj LLC.

The first was awarded a work permit to build an underground garage and public space adjacent to the building on 23 Arami Street. Old City, in turn, contracted out some of the work (soil removal) to Avagyanbridj.

It appears that Avagyanbridj’s faulty construction methods weakened the landmark building now on the verge of collapse.

Charges of “Destruction or damage of monuments of history and culture” (Criminal Code, Article 264) have been filed.

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