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Опубликован список 243 необъявленных Азербайджаном жертв

“Поскольку азербайджанцы не публикуют реальное число и имена своих жертв, мы специально для них составили список 243 необъявленных жертв с их именами. Это первая часть”,- сообщил директор ГНКО “Информационно-аналитический центр правительства” Ованнес Мовсисян.

Комментарии (2)

we always wanted peace. What you wrote there is the news that has been designed for you and is either false or partly true. First of all, if Azerbaijan is real come to the battleground and face each other 1 on 1 and don't mix other countries in. Alief does not leave any room for peace. He says give me pretty much "everything". What you lost on battle field , You simply can't ask for the whole thing on negotiating table. Where are the people of karabakh supposed to go? I don't want war and we must live side by side in peace eventually. Willing or not. I wander if Azerbaijani public knows about the details of peace talks and what conseations were Armenians willing to give before this war
Does not matter still we are going forward.And we are going to take some regions back from you.Do not make me to remind you how many soldiers died in your side.Even Pasinyan wants peace.Because they can not afford PKK terrorists for their army.We have proofs that you rent terrorists for fighting alongside of you.But most of them are killed.Now we have made your country to lose 1.2 billion dollar millitary weapons

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