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Армения и Азербайджан договорились о гуманитарном перемирии

Республика Армения и Республика Азербайджан договорились о гуманитарном перемирии начиная с 00:00 часов по местному времени, 18-го октября. Об этом заявляет МИД Армении. 

Данное решение принято следуя заявлению президентов Французской Республики, Российской Федерации и Соединенных Штатов Америки, представляющих страны-сопредседатели Минской группы ОБСЕ от 1-ого октября 2020 г., заявлению сопредседателей Минской группы ОБСЕ от 5-ого октября 2020 г. и в соответствии с Московским заявлением от 10-ого октября 2020 г.

Комментарии (1)

Russia is probably not going to help the way it looks now. Turkey and Azerbaijan will probably go all the way up to the border of Artsakh itself and use everything they have to then overrun it. Even Russia's pledge to defend Armenia (from the west OR the east) from Turkey is now probably a fantasy. We don't know what has happened to Russia, but it's not up to fighting Turks. When Erdogan threatened a while back to raise a Muslim uprising in Russia, Russia said and did nothing. Russia is afraid. We don't know why but it is. Why would Turkey not attack Armenia itself and overrun it? After all, Russia has not stopped Turkey anywhere - not in Syria, not in Libya, and now not in Azerbaijan and Artsakh. It is time to ask NATO to bring in several divisions of troops and planes and other equipment. This will be a big blow to Armenia because Russia supplies most of Armenia's gas. But it can be handled, and it is worth it to save Armenia from possibly being overrun. The Americans can easily kick out the Russians with overwhelming force. Armenians counted on Russia, but we were betrayed because even when Armenia itself has been attacked over the years, including from Nakhichevan, Russia looked the other way despite the mutual defense treaty. It's time to switch sides to NATO.

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