We wish these bright and young personalities a lot of luck in their new position as cabinet ministers. Their job primarily is to bring Armenia out of poverty and make it a prosperous country where every citizen is treated equally and equitably. They have to create a country where the rule of law is paramount. They have to get rid of corruption and make Armenia a country where we will be proud of. As long as they put the interest of the people over their personal ones, the people will like them, support them and they will be successful in their new positions.
A young government, very impressive. I wish they had more women though.
Good luck, Armenia!
You can do it!!
Is it true that the First Deputy and Deputy prime ministers, minister of Diaspora, and minister of Education have avoided serving in the Armenian army? That the minister of Diaspora does not enjoy respect both in Armenia and Diaspora? That the minister of Education is notorious for being an activist of the Turkish-Armenian “reconciliation” initiatives? And that the minister of Defense hasn’t ever been even a platoon commander?
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