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Tigranuhi Martirosyan

Conflicting Statements from Ruling Party on Opposition's 12 Demands

Chief of Staff of the Government of the Republic of Armenia (RA) Davit Harutyunyan on Monday declared that the government is not preparing to accept any of the 12 demands put forth by the four non-ruling parliamentary parties last week. This is surprising, considering that RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan earlier said that he finds many of the 12 demands acceptable. From these conflicting statements, the four non-ruling parties — Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Heritage Party, Armenian National Congress, and Prosperous Armenia Party — conclude that the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) needs to define its position.

Speaking to Hetq, head of the Heritage Party faction, MP Ruben Hakobyan said: "I think, the political majority has internal issues, since they say different things: on one hand, they say they're excited by the opposition, [presenting] these 12 demands; on the other hand, they say they won't fulfill them. Thus, it can only be concluded that they have issues among themselves, and they have to adjust their position. Regardless of the various statements and comments, fulfilling the four parties' demands would seriously undermine the foundations of the system, since when the proposed demands are met, it will be the start of complete, systemic changes."

Prosperous Armenia Party secretary, MP Naira Zohrabyan, in turn, said such a "categorical" statement by Davit Harutyunyan is surprising for her. "The head of government took a totally different view, saying there are acceptable points for him that can be discussed. HHK spokesperson Eduard Sharmazanov likewise didn't make categorical statements. What is Davit Harutyunyan's statement, if not a directly differing opinion from Sharmazanov's expressed view? And I won't even talk about the prime minister's assessment. I think, the HHK needs to adjust the rules of the game within [itself]," she said. 

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