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“Pasaran” Documentary Film about Post-Revolution Youth

Pasaran is following the story of [randomly chosen] young people looking for purpose and street signs amidst the post-revolution afterparty.

Zhor (28), young biologist and accidental actor running an in-house dog shelter in Kharbert, dreams of creating a school in this vulnerable community. He has a vision but hasn't figured out where to start: he travels to hometown Gyumri to vote for the first time.

Artak (26), street artist and civil activist, believes the revolution happened much earlier in people’s consciousness. He is analyzing the past 5 years of activism and plans a voluntary winter exile to Siberia in search of new meanings.

Sasha (22), a young vibrant Canadian-Armenian filmmaker, is in her honeymoon phase with hibernating Vanadzor. She’s is in the process of founding her own studio and wants to produce social impact films and create opportunities for local women.

New Armenia says, “Just do it, make it happen” -- so simple and so hard, so doable and so impossible at the same time. Having crossed to the other side of the barricades, at the end of the parade, suddenly we find out that all we know is how to complain and protest. We are lost and excited, ready for something that has not manifested yet.

Our heroes put the old weapons aside, but the new tools are yet to be invented. Some downshift, reflect on the war they won, and prepare for the new one. Others wait under the rocks and slowly change the old skin or grow a new tale. Some, new and optimistic, believe in success and just do their share of work.

All of them still have to find their voice in the midst of the chaotic transformation.

Pasaran is about the protesters’ transition to the other side of the barricades, about transitions of all kind.

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