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Kashatagh School Opens Doors After Complete Rehab

The public school in Tandzut, in the northern reaches of Kashatagh, Artsakh, is now open and welcoming students after a half-year reconstruction organized and implemented by the Tufenkian Foundation.

The new school will be named after Artsakh hero Adam Sahakyan, one of those   killed in the 2016 Four-Day War.  

Officials from the Artsakh government and members of the Adam Sahakyan family and foundation staff were present at the ceremony.

Tandzut, which has about 100 residents, is one of the resettled communities in Kashatagh.  

The new school has modern classrooms, appropriately furnished, meet all safety standards. It will also serve nearby communities that do not have enough resources for quality public education.

The Artsakh government helped finance the renovation of the roof and the purchase of furniture and a central heating system.   

The foundation financed the complete overhaul of the Soviet-era building.

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