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Junior Math Wizes from Armenia Win Medals at 5th Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad

Four 9th grade students from Armenia’s Shahinyan Special School of Physics and Mathematics won bronze medals at the 5th Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad held in Mykop, Russia, from March 13-18.

All the students in the Junior League - Stepan Gevorgyan, Vyacheslav Petrosyan, Hayk Khachatryan and Mark Movsisyan - participated for the first time in the Junior League and International Olympiad. The team was led by Suren Grigoryan, a mathematics teacher at the school.

During the Olympiad, students were given the opportunity to attend various educational and cultural events, listen to lectures by well-known mathematicians, and visit sightseeing.

200 pupils from 14 southern regions of Russia and 10 other countries, including Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Luxemburg, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkey, participated in the Olympiad.

The Organizing Committee of the 5th Caucasian Mathematical Olympiad sent a letter of appreciation to the Minister of Education and Science of Armenia for the successful participation of Armenian schoolchildren.

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