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Artsakh President Signs Decree Coordinating Common Foreign Policy Process

Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan signed a decree today on coordinating the activities of state bodies on conducting a common foreign policy, this according to the country's Foreign Ministry.

The decree, in part, reads:

In the public administration system of the Artsakh Republic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the body that develops and implements the policy of the Government of the Republic in the field of foreign affairs.

In the field of foreign affairs, other bodies of the public administration system carry out their international activities on the basis of the program of the President of the Artsakh Republic, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Artsakh Republic coordinates the official activities of other state governing bodies և international relations.

Official statements on foreign policy issues are made by the President of the Artsakh Republic, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Artsakh Republic, and other officials on the instructions of the President of the Artsakh Republic.

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