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Diana Ghazaryan

Armenian Health Minister Warns Azerbaijan Might Target Artsakh Hospitals

Armenian Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan, who has visited Artsakh several times recently, said that civilian and military hospitals in Artsakh are being provided with all necessary medicine, medical equipment and blood supplies.

Torosyan told reporters at a press conference in Yerevan that Stepanakert, the Artsakh capital, is under complete bombardment by Azerbaijan.

Torosyan accused Azerbaijan of using banned cluster munitions and indiscriminately targeting the civilian populace and infrastructure.

"Witnessing the intentions of the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan, our staff has the impression that a direct blow to the medical infrastructure is not ruled out, which can be considered a war crime against the civilian population," Torosyan said.

Torosyan said that to date nineteen people have been killed and eighty wounded in Stepanakert.

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