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Azerbaijan Violated Today’s 12:00 Humanitarian Ceasefire

The following statement was released today by Defense Ministry of The Republic of Artsakh. 

Today, on October 10, at 12:00, a humanitarian ceasefire was to start. However, Azerbaijan, ignoring the ceasefire announced at 12:00, launched an attack on the Karakhanbeyli precinct at 12:05.

Before this, units of the Artsakh Defense Army had already been ordered to cease fire.

It should be noted that before that Azerbaijan fired rockets at Stepanakert, carried out a drone strike in the direction of Yeritsvank village and Armenia’s Syunik Artzvanik settlement near Kapan.

Azerbaijani Armed Forces then targeted the Artsakh town of Hadrut.

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NEVER , NEVER trust a moslem !!

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