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Diana Ghazaryan

Number of Captured Armenians Unclear; No Officials Criminally Prosecuted

The official number of Armenians, servicemen and civilians, captured during the Artsakh war and held in Azerbaijan remains a mystery.

On December 14, an exchange of Armenian prisoners took place through the mediation of Russian peacekeepers. 44 officially confirmed prisoners, servicemen and civilians, were transferred from Azerbaijan to Armenia.

No Armenian official, in the government or Armed Forces, has been held accountable for their capture.

"Both during and after the aggressive war unleashed by the military-political leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan, no criminal prosecution has been initiated against any official for the capture of servicemen of the RA Ministry of Defense or the Artsakh Defense Army,” Armenia’s Prosecutor General’s Office reports.

The PGO, in a statement to Hetq, says the preliminary investigation of criminal cases is underway, the matter is a subject of investigation, and as soon as a sufficient combination of relevant factual data is obtained as a result of other investigative actions, criminal prosecution will be carried out against responsible officials.

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