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Edik Baghdasaryan

Ignorance and Incompetence: Reasons for Armenia’s Military Defeat

They do not exist. There is a huge empty void in us that cannot be filled. 4,000 – 5,000 souls no longer exist.

Most people today, I do not know why, say for sure that we were destined to lose this war. First, it was possible to avoid war, but the authorities were unable to do so. They were not ready to retreat an inch from their populism. So do not look for meaningless excuses. And do not put everything on the army. 

We had a 30-year-old army that always did its job. The army was not created in one day. It experienced an exceedingly difficult route. Yes, there were many problems in the army. They robbed, and rob, from the army, but this does not mean that we did not have an army. You cannot imagine what kind of soldiers and officers we had in the army.

I am of the exact opposite opinion. Do not excuse the current authorities, the Commander-in-Chief. I am even convinced that the weapons we had were enough to stop, exhaust and force the enemy to cease hostilities. And if the army had been equipped with Tor air defense systems before the attack, the airspace over Karabakh would have been off-limits. Even if new anti-aircraft weapons were brought in quickly in the early days (they were brought too late), which, of course, was possible, the war would have had a completely different outcome. But the My Step* people did not take the many signals of war seriously. There were troop gatherings across the border, and months before the attack, engineering work was in full swing for months. But all this was a thousandth issue for the government.

[*Here, the author refers to Nikol Pashinyan’s Im Kayl (My Step) party-ed.]

I am still convinced that if we had known the day and hour of the attack, we would have stopped the enemy on completely different lines. If we had been ready for the first blow, the war would have had a different outcome. Let me bring an example. In the morning of the attack in one of the defensive directions, three anti-aircraft guns hit our air defense. Why was it not the same in other directions? No one is trying to find out. So far, I have come to that conclusion from my meetings, they have not even analyzed the reasons for our defeat. They have not studied the battles of different sectors, the reasons for the losses, the failure of the counterattack.

When I’m asked for the reason for our defeat, I immediately answer, ignorance. 

We had so many victims, wounded and missing in Artsakh due to incompetent, ignorant military organization. There was so much confusion in the war management system that even the bulletproof vests could not be delivered. The south direction was paralyzed. In different directions, you could not find out who the commander of the detachment was or what tasks a rifle detachment deployed to that area had to carry out.

 During the war, near Sarushen, we met a detachment that obeyed Samvel Babayan and was there by his order. There was a detachment sent by Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan, and there were conscripts of the Artsakh Defense Army. 

These three forces did not communicate with one another. 

It was incomprehensible how Azerbaijani troops were able to capture village after village without encountering any resistance. Why didn’t the Armenian troops there   put up any organized resistance? I couldn’t comprehend why our artillery shelled some area for hours. Nor could I understand why an Armenian squad sent to comb the forest for enemy troops, for three days and nights, were never given night vision equipment.

There are many unanswered questions.  And it seems that no one is trying to answer them.

No one explains how it was possible to hand over Hadrut, why the troops were withdrawn from Sghnakh, thus opening the way to Shushi. 

By whose order and why was the army withdrawn from Karin Tak? 

And why did Nikol Pashinyan write on November 9, hours before signing the famous document, that the fighting for Shushi was still underway?

A mere hours later, Pashinyan’s caravan, loaded with lies, knelt before Aliyev!

And I will never understand why the Chief of the General Staff never toured the army for 44 days and why he did not set foot in Artsakh.

In the same way, without receiving an answer to any question, we destroyed the country's security system, throwing Armenia into the arms of the Russians and the Turks. 

Today, we are almost non-existent as a country.

Comments (14)

It was karma and bumerang. Sooner or later, armenia shuld have paid the price for its sins.
Philip Hagopian
TOTALLY agreed...just watched it all go down helplessly
Հրամանատարները թալանեն, իրենց դեբիլության պատճառով զորքին ուղարկեն մահվան, չիմանան ով որտեղ ինչ ռազմական խնդիր է լուծում, իրար վրա կրակեն, բայց պարտության համար մեղավորը քաղաքական գործիչը լինի։ Փաշինյանը պետք է համաձայնվեր Լավրովի պլանին, դա էր պատերազմ կանխելու միակ շանսը, բայց դուք դրա համար էլ իրեն կախաղան կհանեիք։
Vahe Gyulnazaryan
I believe the despair in your conclusion is the raw emotion we experienced and are experiencing. It hopefully motivates our people to not lose further time. May our heroes rest in peace. Nonetheless, thanks to our heroes, no more of our children are actively dying, this is our chance to regroup and set our future in the right direction. A chance to fortify, reorganize, and with the same effort figure a way to make peace with our neighbors.
Andranik falkoyan
What was this? An article? Seemed like a 5 part twitter rant? Whats your point? No answers. Just baseless accusations. You think we were gonna beat the Turkish Army with machine guns? The Army is an institution, it doesnt matter how many pot bellied generals you think are marvelous. We didnt have the organisational ability, the financial might, or indeed the leadership, both political and military. Yet you blame one party? Unbelievably poor description (no analysis).
Պարոն Բաղդասարյան ?
This is quite an indictment of Leadership. It saddens me to read this level of indifference and incompetence.
Войну проиграла армия и генералы. Правительство покупало вооружение, которое заказывает армия.
Ara Hakopian
Losing a war is a disaster and capitulation at war an existential treat. The latter is possible by share incompetency in politics, military and organization. We will never find out what went wrong and individuals responsible for this capitulation. To do so requires hard work, tenacity in looking for failures and establishing the basis for rectifying these failures. Our elites are incapable such hard work. I do not know how My Step can command our government knowing because of their failure we have lost so many lives. They have lost their moral mandate to govern and should have resigned in disgrace.
mihran robert mahmouzian
sir from the top to the bottom you are rotten from the small to big guy you are rotten. after 15 year working in berzor i never never met a honest peron never. starting with the big crooks and there motto was haistan haistan for there own poket and you. haistantsi know it all .armenian from the diaspora are good only for milking .you lost we all lost don even try to analyse dont even try undertand j accuse you all.
"And why did Nikol Pashinyan write on November 9, hours before signing the famous document, that the fighting for Shushi was still underway? A mere hours later, Pashinyan’s caravan, loaded with lies, knelt before Aliyev!" Couldn't agree more! Nikol Pashinyan is a mixture of populism and yellow journalism. Lies and deceptions are also inseparable part of yellow journalism!
ԲԱզում հարցեր կան: Ինչի պատերազմը մենակ Արցախում գնաց. իսկ երկրորդ մասը ընդանրապես միայն հարավային թևում: Լրիվ թուրքի գծած սցենարով: Ինչի Հայաստանից սահմանից ոչ մի հակահարձակողական գործողություն չի եղել՞ Մանավանդ առիթն էր կար, թուրքերի ԱԹՍ -ները եկել էին Աբովյան, Վարդենիսի գյուղերը ռմբակոծում էին: Ինչի օրինակ չենք հարձակվել Ղազախը ու Թովուզը գրավելու համար, կամ Նախիջևանի վրա ինչի չենք հարձակվել՞ Եթե ուզում ես հաղթես պիտի հարվածես այտնեղ որտեղ հակառակորդը թույլա չի սպասում քեզանից հարված: թուրքերը իրենց բանակի թղջ ուժը մոտ 60-70տոկոսը կենտրոնացրել էին հարավային թևում: Ռիսկի էին դիմել ու էտ ռիսկը իրան արդարացրեց: Բնականաբար ուրիշ տեղերում իրանք թուլացել էին: Բայց մեր գերագույնը ու իր նշնակած գենշտաբի պետը ՎԱԽԿՈՏԻ մեկն են ու չեն համարձակվել նախաձեռնել հարձակում: Ուղղակի ոչխարի նման կանգնել նայել են թե հակառակորդը ինչա անում:
Արցախյան հարցի լրջությունը ու կարևորությունը չգիտակցելու համար իշխանությունները մեղավոր են։ Բայց ապաշնորհ տգետ կառավարումը հավանաբար անխուսափելի էր։ Ներկայումս մեր երկրի/ժողովրդի հավաքական պոտենցիալը այդքանն է։
Սուսաննա Մարտիրոսյանը
Միանգամայն համամիտ եմ, ապաշնորհ տգետ կառավարումը մեր երկիրը տանուլ տվեց և դեռ շարունակում ենք գլորվելով,երբ ենք սթափբելու

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