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Free Democrats Party Leader Khachatur Kokobelyan Answers Reader Questions

Your party was only created one year ago but it already wants seats in the National Assembly.  There are political parties in Armenia in existence for years that never participate in elections. What makes you different? Do you have foreign sponsorship?

Here, we are talking about serious politics and the leading figures participating in serious politics on a large-scale must be real politicians with experience in assisting in the development of the state and government processes.

From this viewpoint, yes, the Free Democrats is a new party but includes young people just starting out and of whom we can be proud. There are also experienced political players who have been involved since the re-independence of the country.

Such individuals have never changed their political principle and have withstood various pressures and harassment. They have always been at the forefront of activities directed at the democratization of the country.

Of equal importance is that political forces and players have real opportunities to enter the political fray on an equal playing field; to present their opinions and goals. This is quite problematic in our country today where there is a lack of civilized political debate. Then too, freedom of speech is often confused with alienation, crudeness and aggression.

As to your second question, I can categorically state that any talk of outside forces is ludicrous. That’s an old ploy that no longer works.  Our opponents have always sought to sling mud against the Free Democrats and label us as an outside sponsored force.

I should add that our party’s financial resources are internally derived, from our personal savings and contributions from supporters.

What are the chances of the Free Democrats splitting from the Heritage Party if it gets parliament seats? Would your party align itself with the ruling government to get state positions?

Our party believes that the complete responsibility for the critical situation of Armenia today rests upon the shoulders of the ruling coalition, without exception or apportioning any degree of blame.

We see no role for the current ruling coalition in building a future Armenia and we have always opposed these forces. Our perceptions of what Armenia must become are totally different from those of the current coalition. I can categorically rule out any possibility of forging a coalition with the authorities.

I think that circulating such talk is a calculated step taken by exactly those forces officially in the coalition or collaborating with it from behind the wings.

The fact that we are entering the elections on a united ticket with the Heritage Party is a move based on our shared ideology and our common perceptions regarding the development of Armenia.

Such a united ticket affords us a greater possibility to resolve those problems and challenges that we view as calamitous both for Armenia and its citizenry.

I also rule out any possibility that the Free Democrats and Heritage will work separately and at cross purposes in the parliament. Citizens of Armenia will surely benefit from this unity.

At the launch of the Heritage Party’s campaign at the Marriott Hotel, you spoke about the accomplishments of Raffi Hovannisian when you invited him to the podium. What do think about Hovannisian’s chances for the 2013 presidency?

Let me note that both Raffi Hovannisian and the unity ticket that he heads, serve as real alternatives in today’s political arena – alternatives to all three presidents of the republic and their satellite political forces.

Those programs and approaches that our unity ticket is pushing comprise the only true alternative to the present state of affairs. I am confident that a majority of society will agree and vote for us.

The Free Democrats have entered into an alliance with Heritage, a party that stipulates that Turkey must recognize the Genocide before relations can be forged. Heritage also clearly urges Armenia to recognize the independence of Artsakh. Do you agree with these positions?

Both the Free Democrats and Heritage believe that diplomatic relations with Turkey must be forged with no preconditions. Thus we have no difference of opinion on this matter.

As to Armenia’s recognition of Artsakh, we and Heritage, as well as any conscious person in Armenia, realizes that Artsakh is a de facto independent state. Thus, the overriding goal for all political forces and the Armenian government is to obtain international recognition of this reality.

We believe that Armenia’s recognition of Artsakh is a tactical and not a strategic issue. Trust me when I say that when the time of crisis comes, we will be able to come up with an inclusive position on the matter. Right now, it presents no hindrance to our working together, and it never will.

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