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Anya Sarkisova

Prosperous Armenia Party Stresses Importance of Expanded Security Relations with Russia

Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) representatives today, at a Yerevan press conference, said that the party’s main domestic policy goal is the security of Armenia since all state structures responsible for it have collapsed.

"The most important thing is to expand our relations with the Russian Federation, in this case, in the field of security, as much as possible. We must stop playing with security," PAP MP Arman Abovyan said.

"If you do not have a strong army, then you have nothing. Without a strong army the country is doomed to always be in an exceedingly difficult situation. We plan to strengthen the army and modernize it as soon as possible," he said.

Turning to foreign policy matters, Abovyan said the party’s first goal is the security of Artsakh and its international recognition, emphasizing this must be done through peaceful negotiations.

BHK representative Vahe Enfiajyan said that students should not be deprived of the opportunity to study in higher education institutions because of the inability to pay. He did not elaborate.

BHK MP Iveta Tonoyan, listed third on the party’s slate, said that the BHK has drafted numerous programs if elected to parliament and that details would be forthcoming.

She noted the party’s platform includes a balanced development plan for the country, shifting the focus away from Yerevan, an affordable social housing programs for young families, as well as the provision of a decent minimum pension and salary.

Comments (1)

This is a fantastic idea
Since Russia is doing nothing with the current security treaties that are signed by Armenia, the solution is to sign more treaties and integrate more with Russia. Armenia can sign so many treaties that it essentially becomes a Russian oblast. I can't wait until the residents of the Armenian oblast are sent to fight a great patriotic war in Ukraine for the second time.

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