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Armenian Investigative Committee Chairman, U.S. Ambassador Discuss Law Enforcement Cooperation

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Armenia Argishti Kyaramyan and U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Lynne Tracy met today in Yerevan and discussed a wide range of issues related to effective cooperation between law enforcement agencies of the two countries.

Attending the meeting, according to a statement released by Kyaramyan’s office, were Arsen Ayvazyan, Deputy Chairman of Armenia’s Investigative Committee; Sergey Tairyan, Head of the International Investigation Department; Rafael Vardanyan, Head of the Criminal Investigation Department; Hovhannes Hambaryan, Department of Investigation of Crimes on Human Trafficking, against Sexual Immunity of Juveniles and Illegal Turnover of Drugs; Alexis Haftvani, Head of the U.S. Embassy's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; Adi Holovey, Senior Legal Advisor of the same unit; and Political Adviser Christina Hansel.

At the end of the meeting the parties reached an agreement to continue, expand the cooperation, further develop the established traditions. "The US Embassy is ready to continue its strong partnership with the organization under the leadership of President Kyaramyan," the US Embassy said in a statement.

Comments (1)

About ambassadors in a given country. Ambassadors are low level bureaucrats, yes men/women following the orders of those who selected and sent them to their post. They can do NO GOOD of fundamental importance or essential long term value whatsoever to the host country no matter how hard they try, even if they send extremely positive daily reports about the host country, IFF ( if and only if) their masters are not disposed to do so. For example the US Dept. of State is a hostile nest of Armenia haters, run by jewish Armenia haters, with total, absolute and permanent control over US foreign policy worldwide. No matter what positive the US ambassador in Armenia will write about Armenia, they, these masters and controllers of US foreign policy will never do anything good of fundamental importance to Armenia. Remember Ambassador John Evans, who during a meeting with Armenian in San Francisco had the courage to admit the fact of Armenian Genocide, and the next day he was fired by enemy of Armenians and of Armenia jewish daniel fried ( Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs ), and fried’s poodle president george w. bush proudly announced and confirmed on May 24, 2006, from Wikipedia …..Fried, who has admitted that "for eight years, first in the Bush administration, then in the Obama administration, I helped draft the U.S. government’s annual statements on that remembrance,"[19] opposed the recognition of the Armenian genocide during the U. S. Congressional hearings in March 2007…... "[20] https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/04/24/inside-americas-long-handwringing-over-the-armenian-genocide-484547 ( Aside: the entire pussy, low-life, dip-shit Armenian population of USA, didn’t try to reverse this criminal decision, didn’t/ couldn’t defend this courageous US civil servant, John Evans, OR to stick it a la “in your face” to this jewish criminal daniel fried, a rich Armenian businessman should have hired Ambassador John Evans as an employee, as an “advisor” but they didn’t, they let the guy down, bitter and neglected, and this impotence and criminal pussy attitude by khoujan Armenians of USA, will serve as a permanent precedent to any other foreign person in US and the world, never to speak up for anything in favor of Armenia and Armenians again… ) But an ambassador can do GREAT HARM to the host country if he/she reports negatively and IFF his/her masters are predisposed to do so.

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