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Seda Ghukasyan

Former Armenian NSS Director Demands Clarification on Syunik Highway Status

Arthur Vanetsyan, head of the opposition “With Honor" faction in the Armenian National Assembly, today asked Minister of Defense Arshak Karapetyan if Azerbaijani military units are still blocking the Goris-Kapan highway.

Yesterday, the Armenian Human Rights Defender and the National Security Service confirmed reports that Azerbaijani soldiers had blocked a section of the roadway in the country’s southern Syunik Province.

Vanetsyan, a former NSS Director, addressed the question to Karapetyan during today’s parliamentary debate of the government’s five-year agenda for Armenia.

"Our enemy country has closed an interstate road and we still do not know whether Syunik is cut off from the other regions or not. The Minister of Defense said that even if they violate one centimeter of our sovereign territory, force will be used, the enemy will be thrown out. Mr. Minister, please comment on whether the interstate road is our sovereign territory or not," Vanetsyan said.

Vanetsyan also directed his question to PM Nikol Pashinyan, his former boss, asking what document regulates the status of the Goris-Kapan highway.

Comments (1)

Krikor H
Where Pashinyan is hiding? He should be at the border inspecting the situation. Also, is there a legit government ?

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