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Support Hetq: Investigating Labor Law Violations in Armenia

Months ago, when Hetq wrote about the rights of restaurant/café servers in Armenia, we received many letters and calls from people working in different sectors about their violated labor rights and poor working conditions.

Given such a response, Hetq decided to investigate labor law violations in the country. We’ll focus on a wide range of companies, large and small.

To accomplish this, we require the support of our readers. We need $1,000 to pay the fees of investigator reporters. We’ll launch the investigation if we can raise the amount within the next three weeks.

We hope that the investigation we will contribute to the improvement of working conditions in Armenia.

You can support us in two ways.

1) Monetary Donations: 

Investigative Journalists NGO, AmeriaBank

1570002799170100 (AMD)

1570002799170146 (Euro)

1570002799170101 (USD)

5526 5501 0006 8400 (Arca

2) By writing to us with your labor violation stories. Readers can use the Hetq and Hetq Media Factory Facebook pages. 

Comments (2)

Armenia is not a member of the IBAN standard, so Armenian banks do not use IBAN.
you must publish the IBAN (international bank account number ) to get some money : and promise to use it in a responsible way

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