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Former Armenian Police Chief Charged with 2 Billion AMD Property Fraud

Armenia’s newly established Anti-Corruption Committee (ACC) reports that former Chief of Police Vladimir Gasparyan has been charged with legalizing more than 2 billion drams of criminally obtained property and committing other criminal corruption acts.

The ACC reports that Gasparyan, during his tenure as Chief of Police (2011-2018) and Deputy Defense Minister (2010-2011), abused his official powers, committed official fraud and waste, and engaged in other corrupt criminal activities.

"As a result, V. Gasparyan illegally acquired property that's significantly exceeds the legal income of his family members, in particular expensive houses and vehicles, which he has legalized in various ways to conceal their illegal origin, including by registering it with the names of people related to him,” the ACC reports.

Comments (2)

Absolutely nothing shocks me when it comes to past & present leaders of Armenia, no wonder the diaspora has lost total trust and confidence in the ability of the past and present leaders to ever act honestly, I donated $25,000 over 3 months and I will never donate again to any fund associated with our political parties including the Hayastan fund, $100 Million simply taken by the government, no wonder they started paying themselves bonuses.. I donate now directly to the most effected with help of trusted friends and family, the money always gets to the people that need it most, not these vile thugs.
mihran robert mahmouzian
take every thing and send all the family in a smal vilage on the border

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