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Armen Mirzoyan

Aliyev Dismisses Minsk Group as Useless, Warns of New War if Armenia "Poses Threat"

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev gave a wide-ranging interview to the Azerbaijani media today. Hetq presents those excerpts dealing with Armenia and the Artsakh issue.

Russian peacekeepers and the Lachin corridor

Aliyev said Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh are performing a positive function, despite describing some of their actions as “irritating”.  

"I think that the activities of peacekeepers should be viewed through a broader prism, naturally, of course, there are quite irritating moments. At the same time, it would be unfair not to mention that they escort our troops and the delivery and transportation of cargo to the Kelbajar and Lachin regions. In principle, I can say that I generally appreciate the work of peacekeepers," Aliyev said.

Aliyev said that the activities of peacekeepers are a new element in Russian-Azerbaijani relations. He said that Baku has repeatedly petitioned the Russian side about what he described as “illegal visits to Azerbaijani territories under the control of peacekeepers.”

"We have more than once officially expressed dissatisfaction with the illegal visits. Our defense minister has more than once sent letters to his Russian counterpart, expressing dissatisfaction with the head of the peacekeeping mission. Such steps were taken during the illegal visit of Valérie Pécresse (French presidential candidate-Hetq.) We were told that they were not vigilant, that they were not aware that Pécresse came in an ordinary car, etc. I will say as this is hard to believe. This visit was organized. He was accompanied by a limited number of people, including the former French Foreign Minister, European Commissioner Barnier and one MP. They arrived there secretly, and the news of the visit became known only after their return. They were probably afraid that we would detain them in the Lachin corridor," Aliyev said.

Aliyev said that Nikol Pashinyan, by allowing Pécresse to go to Karabakh, "slapped" French President Emanuel Macron, who, according to the Azerbaijan president, "defended Armenia" throughout the war.

According to Aliyev, the Lachin corridor is under Azerbaijani control and that they can stop the cars passing through it at any time.

"The Lachin corridor is under our control. You were in Shushi and saw for yourself. We can stop any car there. No one can tell us otherwise," he said.

Aliyev noted that according to his information, Armenian representatives petition the peacekeepers to allow foreigners to visit Karabakh.

"They are either allowed or not. In general, I can say that we know exactly what is happening at the entrance to Karabakh," Aliyev said.

He noted that 91% of the cars entering Karabakh are not inspected by Russian peacekeepers.  

 "We know the number of cars and people. We know how many people entered or left. According to our data, 38,000 of those who left these territories during the war returned, and 11,000 left those places forever.

"According to the above data, 27,000 people now live in the zone controlled by the Russian peacekeepers," Aliyev said.

OSCE Minsk Group

Aliyev again stated that he does not see any sense in continuing the work of the OSCE Minsk Group, as there is no Karabakh issue! He threatened to stifle the attempts of the OSCE Minsk Group to deal with the Artsakh issue.

"I can say what they should not do. They should not deal with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict since it is resolved. We resolved this problem for them, and I think their absence is due to this," Aliyev said.

He said the Minsk Group must accept the existing realities and take them into account.

"We have been a party to this conflict. If one of the parties says the conflict is resolved, then there is no need for mediation. Our position has been conveyed to them. They should probably think about what to do," Aliyev said.

Establishment of peace and recognition of territorial integrity

When asked by reporters about the possibility of a third Karabakh war, Aliyev said Azerbaijan doesn’t want a new war.

 "We do not want a third war; it is not in our plans. We want the war era to end. We want normal relations to be established so that Armenia finally recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We want this, but if we see that there is a danger for us, that threat will be eliminated on the spot," he said, adding Armenia must recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan to establish peace in the South Caucasus.

Aliyev said there are revanchist forces in Armenia not only in the former but also in the current government.

"I repeat, one should never be deceived by the kind words of the current government. We should never forget which neighbor we live with. This is what the provocations at the border relate to. They want to test us again."

Aliyev said that if a peace agreement is signed between the parties, it should contain points on mutual recognition of territorial integrity.

"Armenia must now make a choice and make the right choice. I said that our offer will not always be on the table. If Armenia does not want to recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, we will not recognize their territorial integrity," he said.

Aliyev stressed that Azerbaijan has more reasons not to recognize the territorial integrity of Armenia than vice-versa.

"In November 1920, our territory, Zangezur, was annexed to Armenia. Earlier, on May 29, 1918, the city of Yerevan was transferred to Armenia. So, as they say, we have many reasons for not recognizing that area. Nevertheless, for the sake of future peace, for the sake of establishing relations between the countries, we are ready for that, but if they do not want that, then we will see what will happen," Aliyev said.

Aliyev claimed that Baku offered Armenia mutual recognition of territorial integrity - the process of demarcation of borders, how to open communications and sign a peace agreement.

 "The signing of a peace agreement is not a 100% guarantee, but in any case, it will be essential to minimize the risk of war. But we must also realize that any peace agreement might only be a piece of paper for Armenia," Aliyev said.

 "3 + 3" Platform

Aliyev said that he and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan devised the South Caucasus cooperation format, and that the platform’s second meeting will be more substantial regarding the opening communications in the region.

"Although the first meeting was introductory, I am sure that the second meeting will be a more substantive discussion, first of all, on the opening of communications," Aliyev said.

 "Zangezur Corridor"

Aliyev, for the first time, announced that Azerbaijan plans to lay electric power lines to Nakhichevan through the “Zangezur Corridor”.

 "The railway and the road will pass through this corridor. We also plan to build power lines to Nakhichevan in the future since we have great potential for exporting electricity," he said. Aliyev did not rule out the possibility of building a gas pipeline to Nakhichevan.

Aliyev enumerated the infrastructure projects Baku plans to build in the Artsakh territories under its control.

 "It is planned to build a 240 MW solar power plant in Jabrayil. The Khudaferin and Giz Gasal power plants can provide 140 MW of electricity. In Kelbajar and Lachin there is about 10,000 MW. We can get wind and solar power. Thus, we plan power lines and maybe gas pipelines can go from there. One line can pass through Kapan, the other through Meghri. One line can pass through Gharakils. They call it Sisian. Therefore, the Zangezur corridor should encompass the entire Zangezur region," Aliyev said.

He said the phrase "Zangezur Corridor" causes turmoil in Armenia.

"Even today, in the political sphere of Armenia, there are opinions that this corridor is not profitable for Armenia," Aliyev said.

Photo: President of Azerbaijan’s Press Service

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