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The Pyramid of Lies Collapsed: President Armen Sarkissian Had to Resign

In his statement yesterday, Armen Sarkissian noted some reasons for his abrupt departure from the presidency, but we believe they have little to do with his resignation. We think the reason for his resignation is just the one: he was a citizen of another country before he became the president.

When the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) asked President Armen Sarkissian if he was a citizen of another country, he asked for evidence to support the allegation.

The country in question is not Great Britain. Armen Sarkissian was a British citizen and this was known before he was elected president in March 2018. The country in question is a small island country in the Caribbean - St. Kitts and Nevis. 

Given Sarkissian’s British connections, it’s no surprise that the country is a Commonwealth realm, with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.

We had information that the president had a St. Kitts and Nevis passport, which was confirmed in correspondence with Sarkissian. We cannot provide many details of the investigation at this stage as it is a cross border investigation and not yet complete. 

Yesterday, the president of Armenia announced his resignation. But there is a noteworthy fact here. Right before the resignation, he answered a series of our questions about his St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship. Sarkissian was on an official visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He left the UAE and went on vacation because of health problems. And he resigned without returning to Armenia.

When we sent Sarkissian his St. Kitts and Nevis passport details, he began to put forth the following argument.

Sarkissian said he had made investments in St. Kitts and Nevis. According to our correspondence with Armen Sarkissian, he had a share in one of the hotels in St. Kitts and Nevis and transferred it on to one of his family members before he became ambassador of Armenia to the UK in 2013.

St. Kitts and Nevis has a program (Citizenship-by-Investment) whereby people can be granted citizenship in return for making investments in the country. Sarkissian claimed that he thus became a citizen without his knowledge. “...the investment was the driving factor. I was not interested in the passport at all,” he told Hetq.

He allegedly wrote a letter to the company that organized his investment after receiving citizenship and, according to Sarkissian, asked the company to put his citizenship “on hold”. 

According to Sarkissian, before being appointed Ambassador of Armenia to the United Kingdom in 2013, he instructed his solicitor to return his passport to St. Kitts and Nevis.

In 2017, when he was soon to become president, he discovered that his above-mentioned instruction hadn’t been dealt with. It was revealed the person who was supposed to deal with his request (not his attorney) had died. Later, he wrote a letter to the son of the deceased who worked at the same company, explained the situation, and repeated his request.

The fact is that Armen Sarkissian started the official process of renouncing his citizenship in St. Kitts and Nevis not long before he was elected president in March 2018.

According to the Armenia’s Constitution, he thus wasn’t eligible to be elected president. Hence, all the decrees he signed, including various laws, the appointments of officials, the elections, even the appointment of the prime minister, are illegal.

Sarkissian told us that he believed that he was no longer a citizen of St. Kitts and Nevis from the moment he requested to put his citizenship on hold after he received it in return for investments.

President Armen Sarkissian is unlikely to return to Armenia since he could be prosecuted for forging official documents. 

Comments (13)

@Revd.Dr. Vrej Nersessian Wise written. @Hasmik The War was very well organized by the Azeri. The prior Goverment robbed the country and left a desolate military, economy, poor and defensless people. They and even Armen Sarkissian did nothing for the Armenian people. Except to rob the people and enrich themselves. WAKE UP!
For content this important, Hetq has done a terrible job of writing a proper news story; it seems that Hetq was more worried about rushing it to screen that properly writing and editing it. The story begins in mid-air, as it were, and the gist of it does not come until the fifth paragraph! What we see here is more of a reporter's notes than a well-organized news story. And there are several surface errors of which the most glaring is the St. Kitts and Saint Kitts! Hetq's claim that this investigation brought the president down (in the title) must be substantiated with proper news writing and editing practices. This criticism does not take away from the seriousness of the content. On the contrary, it emphasizes the fact that slipshod journalism ends up diminishing the gravity of the material presented.
I had to read the English translation twice to understand what Hetq was trying to say. I went to the Armenian original and was distressed to find it was equally convoluted. Who is editing the editors?
Having dual citizenship is not a crime. Mr Armen Sarkiisian made his fortune in UK, and that’s not a crime either. Pashinyan is the criminal for driving 4000+ young Armenians to death for unwanted war.
Following on from just reading a "Armenian President Faces Fraud Probe After Resignation" headlined article that contains not a single use of the word "fraud", now we have "The Pyramid of Lies Collapsed" headlining an article that has not even one use of the word "lies" (or, for that matter, "pyramid")! I hear that baby cockroaches aspire to becoming headline writers when they grow up.
Սվետլանա Հարությունյան
Հետաքրքիր հարց է բարձրացվել "Коммерсант"-ի հոդվածում` https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5182039?from=main. Միտքը հետևյալն է` «Այսպիսով, բառացիորեն կարող են անվավեր ճանաչվել երկրի նախագահի ստորագրած բոլոր փաստաթղթերը, այդ թվում՝ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի գլխավորած կառավարության հաստատումը։" Վատ չէր լինի: Բայց օրենքը կշրջանցվի, կընտրեն նոր "ճիշտ" նախագահ ու փաստաթուղթ ա որ կստորագրեն ու վավերացնեն: Ինչքան սրտներին կտա: Հետք-ը ի՞նչ է կարծում, կարող է մինչև վերջ մնալ սկզբունքային:
Ara Keutelian
I must say this is the first time i hear about this Agency OCCRP, Bravo!, So this means that nicole Pashinian is not legally prime minister?, Maybe this Agency should investigate prime ministers nicole pashinian wife opening bank account in Glendale California, at least this is the rumors going on here in Glendale , as they say where there is smoke there is a fire.
Սվետլանա հարւթյունյան
Հետք-ը պատվեր է կատարել: Կարդացեք հւնվարի 5-ի հոդված, որը ներկայացնում է Ա. Սարգսյանին որպես պրոբլեմների լուծող` https://spectatorworld.com/topic/can-armen-sarkissian-save-armenia/:
Նա որպես ազգի,պետության հանդեպ կատարած հանցագործ պիտի պատժվի օրենքի ամբողջ խստությամբ։ Ի՞նչ է նշանակում մահացել է, թեբա չի կատարել, ոտքի վրա հորինված անվորակ սըտեր։
Sorry to see president Armen Sarkisyan go. There is no honest person left in the government.
"all the decrees he signed (...) are illegal" - On what law exactly is this claim based on? If one mistake/crime makes all the consequent acts illegal, then everything is illegal.
Revd.Dr. Vrej Nersessian
If the resining President has any human dignity should apologise to the Armenian people for his criminal deception and dishonest conduct. He has seriously damaged the reputation of Armenia,the Armenian people in the homeland and diaspora.The fact that he never spoke against the corrupt leaders should have raised suspicion. If he has any sense of decency he should return to nation the money he wasted and earned under the pretence of being an ambassador,prime minister and president of Armenia. It is time that the Catholicoses of Ejmiadzin and Antelias should hang their heads in shame for promoting the former President as 'Saviour' of Armenia by calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister.
Տ. Մարգարյան
Միանգամայն ճիշտ է, որ Ա. Սարգասյանի կողմից ստորագրված ԲՈԼՈՐ օրենքները և հարամանագրերն անվավեր են ստորագրման պահից: Բրավո Հետքին, փայլուն գործ է!

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