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Seda Ghukasyan

Pashinyan to Testify, Says Head of 2020 Artsakh War Inquiry Committee


The Armenian National Assembly’s ad hoc fact-finding committee tasked with investigating the 2020 Artsakh war and the Armenian military defeat held its first session today.

The two opposition parliamentary factions (Hayastan, With Honor) have announced they will not participate in the committee’s work, arguing that it is comprised mainly of pro-government MPs and cannot objectively investigate how the war was conducted by the Pashinyan administration.

Inquiry committee chairman Antranik Kocharyan, who heads the parliament’s Standing Committee on Defense and Security, said that Pashinyan will also be called to testify and that expressed as wish to do so.

Kocharyan said the inquiry committee will also consult with Artsrun Hovhannisyan, who served as the Armenian government’s point man during the 2020 war.

The inquiry committee has six months to issue its findings. Whether those findings will be made public remains to be seen.

Most of the findings of an inquiry commission investigating the April 2016 “Four Day War” have not been made public.

Comments (2)

hovig baghdassarian
WOW,is this really the right time to stirr more "judicial compliactions" Even if Pashinian and friends did wrong in something now is not the time!,The world is on over heat,so please get out of the kitchen,now Its really not the time to play cat and mouse!!
This not a fair and honest inquiry, the participants are all Pashinyan friends. Guaranteed, the inquiry results will point the finger on the army. and Pashinyan exonerated.

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