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Artsakh Government Says It Wants Russian Peacekeepers to Force Azerbaijani Troops Back to Line of Contact

The Artsakh government reports that it is in contact with Russian peacekeepers regarding the recent advance of Azerbaijani troops into the village of Parukh.

"Every effort is being made for the Russian side to take appropriate measures at all levels within its mission to return the Azerbaijani troops to the outpost of the village of Parukh in the Askeran region on March 24,” the government’s statement reads.

The Artsakh government says its military forces are taking additional measures to ensure the security of nearby villages.

"We expect that because of the ongoing efforts, the Russian peacekeeping mission will be able to resolve the issues that have arisen in areas under its control. After withdrawing from the Azerbaijani side, the civilian population will return to their homes with additional security guarantees," the statement says.

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