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Seda Ghukasyan

Armenian Parliamentary Committee Rejects Bill to Raise Minimum Income

The Armenian National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs today rejected a bill that would increase the minimum monthly income from 68,000 drams (US$142) to 80,000 drams ($167).

The bill was sponsored by opposition Hayastan faction MP Aghvan Vardanyan.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan, who argued against the bill, said that the current government seeks to raise the minimum monthly salary to 85,000 drams by 2026, but that any increase must be based on economic realities on the ground.

Sargsyan said that a 17% increase today would force some employers to dismiss or cut back the hours of some wage earners.

He said the bill fails to consider the position of employers and that it’s best to leave the law unchanged.

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